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Update: 2019-07-07 02:12 IST

The new Cong president should have a free hand

V Ramu Sarma has lucidly analysed Congress' health condition (The Hans India, July 6, 2019). He has rightly described "Congress on deathbed", but in his opinion "needs young blood".

There is another side of the story and that is about the weak, tired, and sick sixth generation Gandhi-Nehru dynasty. The latest one, in addition, is confused and perhaps carried away by one coterie or the other.


For example, Rahul Gandhi started visiting Hindu temples to get "blessings", not knowing that Hindu Gods have supreme knowledge of who is real and who is unreal devotee.

Rahulji perhaps was not told that Gods have the power of "blessing" as well as "cursing". Rahulji alone would know to which category he belongs.

The solution is not young blood or old blood because any one can serve the purpose provided they have the full freedom and authority to act in a democratic fashion without any hindrance or interference.

That is possible only if the present "controllers" of the party are away from the scene for a certain period of time. This happens in every household or an organisation when the "heads" are asked to retire or be away from the scene.

I look to the 90- year- old Motilal Vora to literally retire and the mother-son proceed on a foreign sabbatical leave of absence (say 2 years or more) without any remote control. Anyone listening?

Professor B R Sant, Hyderabad

India are WC favourites for now

People across the globe are found engrossed in immense excitement of cricket fervour. Particularly, the Indians are looking forward to seeing Kohli and his caravan lifting the ICC trophy 2019.

The cricket lovers of our country have been gripped by the fever of excitement of cricket. This season of cricket has lured us to have a drastic rewind of the erstwhile memories of Indian cricket.

It is quite heart-warming to cherish the memories of the mesmerising and tremendous triumph of Indian Cricket team when they lifted the prudential Cricket World Cup for the first time in 1983 under the captaincy of Kapil Dev who had displayed a mesmerising and a spellbinding skill of cricket.

25th June 1983 was marked as the red-letter day in the history of modern Indian games and sports. It has been a memorable day since India accomplished her long cherished dream of becoming the world champion. In 2011 once more lndia has proved her mettle by snatching the prestigious ICC trophy, under the impeccable captaincy of Dhoni defeating Sri Lanka.

Now a days cricket is treated with prime importance and fostered as a prominent game in India. Unfortunately, our country is not in the map of the other sports and games.

We have been lagging behind many other countries in this regard. Being the second most populated and the seventh largest country in area we should have excelled in almost all other branches of games and sports.

The most pathetic and deplorable plight of our country is now being found stuck itself in the lowest rung of the ladder of development in games and sports.

Under this peculiar circumstances the Indians monopoly on cricket is certainly a matter of pleasure and relief for us. This ongoing ICC World Cup in England brings cheers to every Indian as we heap up much hope and expectations on Kohli and his men.

If it becomes a reality, it will open a new era of revolution in the field of Indian sports and games. We, undoubtedly, deserve the monopoly on games since we have got such an aplenty of ceaseless and incessant source of human power and resources.

Considering and weighing the current performance of the Indian cricket team, winning the ICC World Cup 2019 is almost certain. On the contrary ,there is a little concern over this since cricket is also a game of uncertainty.

This time we have much favourable condition as most of the batsmen have been found consistent in their performance and the bowlers are also being found in the full-fledged flow.

Prabhakaran Vallath, Vatakara, Kerala

Blue-sky vision for economic growth

The Economic Survey for 2018-19 has been guided by "blue-sky vision thinking', that reflects an unfettered approach in thinking about the appropriate economic model for India has utilized the significant advances made in behavioral economics of nudge to address the issues like gender equality, savings and tax compliance and credit quality.

By analysing the successful behavioural change effected by the Swachh Bharat Mission and the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao campaigns, the Survey incorporates their learning and lays out frameworks for integrating behavioural economics into policy making in various contexts.

To achieve the vision of 8% GDP growth in order to fulfillment of making India a $5 trillion economy by 2025, the survey emphasis that such growth can be possible only by a "virtuous cycle" of savings, investment and exports catalyzed and supported by a favourable demographic phase.

Investment, especially private investment, is the "key driver" that drives demand, creates capacity, increases labour productivity, introduces new technology, allows creative destruction, exports and generates jobs.

Exports must form an integral part of the growth model because higher savings preclude domestic consumption as the driver of final demand. Similarly, job creation is driven by this virtuous cycle.

While the claim is often made that investment displaces jobs, this remains true only when viewed within the silo of a specific activity.

When examined across the entire value chain, capital investment fosters job creation as production of capital goods, research & development and supply chains generate jobs.

The Survey says that it departs from "traditional thinking by advocating a growth model for India that views economy as being either in a virtuous or a vicious cycle, and thus never in equilibrium.

The survey has projected 7% GDP growth for 2019-20, but consumption being a critical element in determining this growth trajectory in the current fiscal year and it also depends on vulnerability to the health of the monsoon-dependent rural economy.

With rainfall as on July 3 about 28% less than average and large parts of southern and western India in the grip of a crippling drought, clearly the circumspection appears well warranted.

The survey talks less about fiscal deficit target of 3 percent of GDP by 2020-21 and Central government debt to 40 percent of GDP by 2024-25. Over last six years there was shortfall in revenue collections, GST, and other collections and increase in revenue expenditure, capital expenditure and the hunt for resources to fund the expanded PM-KISAN scheme, Ayushmaan Bharat and other government initiatives and the impact on oil purchase prices due to the U.S.

sanctions on import of crude from Iran poses a challenge for the new Government to achieve ambitious target of 3% fiscal deficit.

The survey highlighted the fact that private investment was a key driver for demand, capacity, labour productivity, new technology adoption, and for job creation.

Investment rate, which was declining from 2011-12, seems to have bottomed out. It is expected to pick up further in the year 2019-20 on the back of higher credit growth and improved demand, the Survey said.

The survey focuses on triggering a self-sustaining "virtuous cycle" of savings, investment and exports. To achieve this, it has suggested the presenting data as a 'public good', ensuring policy consistency and reducing the cost of capital.

It said that as data of societal interest is generated by the people, it can be created as a public good within the legal framework of data privacy.

The government must intervene in creating data as a public good, especially of the poor and in social sectors. The Survey also talked about merging the distinct datasets held by the government into a single dataset, which would generate "multiple benefits."

The MSME sector must be nourished to boost jobs and productivity of the firms and flexible labour laws must be adopted. The survey noted that 'dwarf' firms (with less than 100 workers), accounted for more than 50% of all organized firms in manufacturing by number.

Despite this, their contribution to employment was just 14% and to productivity a mere 8%. Large firms, on the other hand, are just 15% in number but account for 75% employment and close to 90% of productivity.

Therefore, there is a need to "unshackle" MSMEs and enable them to grow into larger firms. Regarding employment, the Survey pointed out that the general apprehension was that a high investment rate would mean labour would be substituted out by capital.

Gudipati Rajendera Kumar, Hyderabad

From Nari to Narayani

First-ever full-term woman Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman deserves all compliments for presenting Union Budget for the year 2019-20 in Lok Sabha truly in Indian style wrapped in traditional red cloth.

It was indeed heart-winning when while quoting some special benefits though not of much significance, she was over-joyed pointing out to highest number of women members (78) ever in Lok Sabha cutting across party-lines quoting the budget to be - Nari to Narayani.

Political ideologies and differences apart, women Parliamentarians from TMC having sent maximum number of women in Lok Sabha have exhibited their talent in their respective maiden speeches.

Women politicians in other parties especially in ruling BJP are also equally talented to deliver their best if given chance to become Parliamentarians.

Ruling BJP should give women constituting 50-percent of total population their due by legislating longest-pending Women-Reservation-Bill to provide them 33-percent reservation in legislature.

Or else, Election Commission formula to make it compulsory for every political party to give at least 33-percent party-tickets to women may be immediately enforced.

Madhu Agrawal, Delhi

Bahi-Khata and BJP

Apropos to news "Briefcase dumped for 'bahi khata" -End of slavery of western tradition" (THI 6 July). Presenting the budget , Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman may have broken away from the tradition by replacing the conventional leather briefcase with bright "red" cloth bag to carry budget papers.

Whether the budget papers are held in brief case or bahi khata bag, which made the Chief Economic Adviser Mr Subramanian to claim "it symbolizes our departure from slavery of western thought. It is not budget but a "bahi -khata" (ledger)", he must remember both is symbol of business class as budget seem to look like. F

or the poor and working class the budgets presented by various government holding briefcase or bag now is not going to change their life.

Thankfully the colour of bag was not "saffron" as it would ended in chaos inside the house. However, the "red" bag seems to be a compliment to Left in Bengal for helping BJP to increase its number in Lok Sabha 2019 elections.

N Nagarajan, Hyderabad

Budget neglects critical sectors

After massive victory in the recent elections the expectations of the public are very high and much was expected from the budget, but it has turned out to be a total disappointment and almost all sector hopes are belied.

It is very unjustified that the salaried persons were totally neglected, not even a single expectation is turned positive. More stress was made on the development of MSME which Is much needed to promote jobs to the unemployed.

More so stress has been made to privatisation through reducing the government stake in PSBs and public sector banks which effects the development of poor, small businesses. The expected reforms in agriculture and banking have not been touched, except a few like agriculture income and subsidies.

The half- fulfilled banking sector reforms have not been touched except a funding to PSBs to the tune of 70, 000 crore with a more expectation of increase in credit.

The entire budget seems to be in favour of corporate sector only and not a common man budget. Not even a single sector is satisfied. Again the infrastructure sector has been stressed much, even though in the present situation most of the NPAs constitute from this sector only.

As U. K. Sinha committee suggested a stress fund is to be provided upon to relieve the stress of banks in financing this sector.

On one side the target of tax collection has not been to the expected figure nothing has been mentioned in the budget how it would be achieved in this financial year either increasing the tax payers or levying the fresh tax on new sectors.

Even though the private investors are invited to participate in the development of the economy not much tax sops are announced to attract them and also any specific time to clear the way in setting up plants. Not much he been spelt out how the fiscal deficit is filled.

T S N Rao, Bhimavaram

Time for AP to raise its voice

Through Central budget allocations once again Modi Government cheated Andhra Pradesh people. From election campaign assurances to the recent Niti Aayog meeting, Prime Minister Narendra Modi created some hope with his speeches that His Govt may positive towards bifurcation promises.

Not many more, all are expected at least some special allotments and funds allocations may appear in 1st Budget itself. Surprisingly there is no specific allotments or allocations in budget 2019-2020. Contents of Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman Budget speech itself shows how NDA Govt ignored AP future.

There is no nominal mentioning about issues like Amaravati Capital City, Railway Zone, Kadapa Steel Plant, Metro projects etc. This is the high time to ruling YSRCP Government has to show its discontentment by rising the voice along with other opposition parties in the interest of Andhra Pradesh people.

This is only way to show the oneness of Andhra Pradesh people to the BJP headed NDA Government.

P V Ravikumar, Tirupati

A welfare- oriented Budget

The Union Budget proposed by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman (Budget For Emerging Bharat,6 July 2019) is pragmatic and far-sighted having a distinct Modi mark with an ambitious road map for a New Vibrant India in the coming 10 years.

The kisan-oriented, pro-poor and village-centric budget has all ingredients for women empowerment as the government recognises that there could be no growth sans women participation in development plans. There are several proposals to underline the vision of the government to gradually erase the urban-rural divide by giving a boost to rural infrastructure and connectivity.

The proposed construction of 1.25 lakh km of rural roads under PM Gram Sadak Yojana and construction of 1.95 crore houses under PM Awas Yojana besides providing access to cooking gas and electricity to every rural family will be well received.

The agriculture .fisheries, education and health sectors also received the much needed attention. Allocation of Rs 6400 crore for health insurance scheme Ayushman Bharat and launching of PM Fishery Scheme are appreciable.

The stress on zero-budget farming and the proposed PM Kisan Scheme providing financial support of Rs 6000 per year to farmers as well as increased allocation to PM Fasal Bima Yojana besides taking steps to double farmers' income are all aimed at making agriculture profitable.

The initiative to bring in a New National Education Policy and to set up National Research Foundation to improve the quality of research is welcome.

However, there is a need to organise a nation-wide debate on the NEP to elicit the suggestions of educational experts and academicians.The raising of income tax exemption limit to Rs. 5lakhs and providing pensions to retail traders and small shopkeepers under PM Karam Yogi Maandhan would provide relief to many.

The proposal to utilise plastic waste in road construction is aimed at checking plastic pollution. However, steps should be taken to ban the production of use and throw plastic products such as covers, glasses, cups, plates, water bottles, package paper etc.

The hike of excise duty and road cess on petrol/diesel will hit the transport sector directly and would lead to an increase in prices of all commodities with a rise in inflation. Of course, the reduction of GST on electric vehicles is a welcome step to discourage the use of petrol/diesel vehicles.

The budget though includes several positive welfare-oriented features, caused disappointment to AP state due to the absence of any mention about Polavaram project, Amaravati capital development, metro rails and ongoing and pending railway projects such as Kotipalli-Narasapuram

Dr E R Subrahmanyam, Amalapuram

Our engineering grads should be job providers

Today thousands of technology graduates pass out from our engineering colleges only to join the bandwagon of millions of unemployed youth seeking desperately to get a job.

The saddest part is that our young engineers, when they fail to get a job of their choice end up taking any meagre job ending up their whole life serving firms and companies being exploited to the maximum.

Sadly their aim, ambition, aspiration and years of spending their money during their graduation goes futile. Professional students must be instilled with the mentality of creating and providing jobs rather than seeking.

Engineering students must be made aware of the opportunities and financial aid given by the government -state and centre- to create start-ups and project companies where they can unleash their potential to the maximum.

I fully agree with Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia who while addressing the students at the Delhi Technological University convocation some time back said that engineering graduates should be job providers than job seekers.

M Pradyu, Kannur, Kerala

Let Indira Gandhi inspire her grandson

It is sad to see that Rahul Gandhi officially resigning from the post of Chief of Congress party but I think he has made this decision due to loss of hope. But Rahul shouldn't be hopeless and shouldn't give up his political battle through this defeat.

But one thing Rahul must understand that he shouldn't be hopeless as there is no permanent loss nor permanent win in the political battle. He should continue his hard work to strengthen the party from the grassroot level.

Till now Rahul Gandhi tried his best to raise important issues like GST and Rafale. He was the one person who tried his best to strengthen the party. But I agree with Rahul's statement that he was alone in the fight against Modi and RSS as there were no big leaders seen supporting him.

We need Rahul Gandhi as the chief of congress party as he has good leadership skills and qualities unlike others. And he shouldn't lose hope due to this temporary defeat in the elections and He should take her Grandmother as a Role Model and follow his grandmother's path and should see how her grandmother despite of loss in one of election she sailed through many difficult times and worked hard, and regain the people's confidence, trust and wins the elections.

But Rahul has won the hearts of many people with his simplicity and honest decision that we rarely see from the political leaders. But now the Congress must select a true leader that can strenghten the party from the grassroot level.

Mohammad Ahmed Ali, Hyderabad



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