MyVoice: Views of our readers 16th April 2020

Update: 2020-04-16 00:34 IST
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Lockdown extension, a bold decision

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken a bold decision of extending the lockdown period until May 3. This decision helps India in breaking the chain of corona pandemic. But this also damages the economy of the country. In spite of this problem, the Prime Minister has taken this decision which is really bold. We, the Indians, stand by the Prime Minister and will strictly follow the lockdown norms.


T Devi Manindra, Vizianagaram, AP

It is fight for survival

The lockdown has been extended. To contain Covid-19 virus, the citizens of India should keep the politics aside. The tendency of blaming other persons should be avoided. Media should take highest responsibility of not publicising political comments over corona spread. The numbers and figures are already reaching an alarming high. Statisticians are expecting these figures may reach further high in an exponential way. All the State governments and the Central government should implement the policies in unison. As the big boss, the Centre should lead and the States should follow. Unfortunately, some State governments are taking their own decisions, which should be avoided in the present scenario. The life of the citizens should be given highest priority. The time for politics is over. Now it is the time for survival and existence. The politicians should remember the great leaders of the past who kept politics aside and worked together for the sake united India. With that spirit, the politicians and political parties should work and see that the plans of the government of India are implemented properly. At the same time, the citizens should follow the instructions given by the officials strictly, keeping their personal desires and comforts aside for few days, till the safe period is reached so that the freedom of all sorts can once again be enjoyed by every citizen. For reaching that joyful state, it is a must that one must go through this difficult time with utmost commitment and devotion.

Dr M V Ramana, Prsanthinagar, Khammam

Some health tip for lockdown days

Lockdown is going to be a challenge for super-fit gym-goers since gyms are closed and movement outside is limited, but there are some exercises you can do while stuck indoors. Exercise whether you love it or hate it. Walking can provide a lot of the same benefits of running but running burns nearly double the number of calories as walking. Yoga is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices with discipline. So do yoga at home. Dancing is also the best option as dance is the movement of body in a rhythmic way where you can make any movement you want. Cleaning floors, while keeping your house clean, also prove to be a good exercise as it needs the stomach to bend while dusting with broom. Gardening is also important because the summer has come and we all need oxygen, so plant trees and take care of them. Meditate for 30 minutes every day, it will keep your mind fresh and active. All these things you can do for your fitness. Be safe and stay at home.

Vasavi Raju Barde, Nagpur, Maharashtra  



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