MyVoice: Views of our readers 16th May 2021

Update: 2021-05-16 00:30 IST

MyVoice: Views of our readers 3rd September 2021

We need to be more proactive

The column of Ramu Sarma "Adopt multi-pronged approach to tackle Covid 2.0" (May 15) detailing with clarity all the relevant happenings and how we are reeling under severe heat of dreadful corona virus has to be adopted in toto with still advanced methods invented and observed by other nations in eliminating China Organised Virus International Disease (COVID). It is surely an undeniable fact that both state/central governments and people are squarely responsible with their indolent and care free attitude for indiscriminately spreading of virus beyond the reach of its incarceration and it is now high time to impose drastic decisions leaving no chance to courts to order on governance. Andhra Pradesh government could have retained Hyderabad as its capital until 2024 to gain advantage on certain valid and vital matters.


It is not perfectly and scientifically intelligible as to how this infection is inflicted to those strictly restricted in the closed circuit of four walls and those we who were administered two doses of vaccine. Covid patients especially people with diabetes and immuno-suppressed are being infected with a new harmful virus known as Black Fungus (Mucormycosis) and its symptoms are also many according to scientists and doctors. It appears we are entering from lion's cage to tiger's cage. Already we are not able to get rid of from the clutches of covid pandemic despite all possible efforts.

US government is not forcing its people who have taken two doses of vaccine while others are advised to adopt precautionary protocols. But in our country, it is not at all possible as one more threat is ahead that states Covaxin and Covishield are less effective against B.1.617 or the Indian strain according to ICMR's authorised report. Inoculation of vaccines is implemented at snails pace due to acute shortage and it may take a few more years to vaccinate all eligible people.

When governments are initiating new ways and means to control the surge, anti-social elements are encashment every opportunity from the patients. Ambulances, corporate hospitals, selling spurious drugs, oxygen cylinders, hoarding medicines, pall bearers, etc., are causing pall of gloom in the lives of needy. Lockdown is relegated to back seat. Lakhs of precious lives were succumbed to vicious virus. Third wave with mettlesome force is ready to attack us and hence everyone in all fields must be alert round the clock to drive back this tsunami. Don't throw blame on governments for each and every unfortunate event. The 'opinion' author felt shy or inconvenience to mention on statistics. They must be on three false subjects - lies, damned lies and statistics.

— Dr N S R Murthy, Secunderabad

Releasing prisoners, not without risks

It was interesting to read the letter by a reader who advocated release of prisoners booked for petty crimes, and others who were critical of the government. It is true that prisons in the country are bursting at the seams due to accommodating inmates more inmates than the intended capacity for which the jails are build, and prevailing Covid situation in the country, is making matters worse by posing challenge to the government and jail authorities as more and more inmates are being found Covid+ve, owing to congested and unhealthy environment prevailing in prisons.

The apparent solution to this problem is expanding jails in order to accommodate more prisoners, and to release them on parole, considering the insignificant and petty crimes they have committed to be in tune with the humanitarian approach will prove disastrous. It must be remembered last year, when the Covid situation in the country was at its peak, such an experiment of releasing jail inmates on parole had been tried.

Though, at first this seemed logical and prudent proposition, the crime rate began to mount in society as the released ones were back in business, on the trade they knew so well, posed problems to law-abiding society, and the folly was soon realised by the authorities to round them up, and put them again in jail.

Such shortcut methods in the name of human rights is a perverse notion that the jailed individuals who are serving their term can be released for the reasons of the pandemic, and jails unable to accommodate them meaningfully.

— S Lakshmi, Hyderabad

aNot pandemic, it's the infodemic that is hurting

 There is so much information and misinformation and abuses and invectives mostly directed towards Centre, especially on Modi right from the so-called elite personalities comprising ex-bureaucrats, scientists, economists, jurists, secularists, politicians of all hues.

Rahul Gandhi the so-called great torch bearer of Nehru clan delivers messages every day denouncing Modi and the union govt. Now the great medical journal Lancet has added it's ten pence. It commands a respect in international community in spite of its bogus credibilities after having ascended a self- proclaimed pedestal

One finds everyday some high court or the apex court overhauling the Centre for its numerable failures and breathing down its neck with the threat of contempt. The courts seem to have put on the shoes of thee executive without having any expertise on the matters concerned, simply based on the endless PIL's filed by anyone and the submissions from various state governments.

Mamata didi never fails to add spice to the whole issue. Be it shortage of vaccine or oxygen, hospital beds, shortage of ambulance, inadequate crematoria, fires in hospitals, shortage and consequent black marketing of medicines the entire blame has to be borne by Modi and his govt. There is a blurring of image in that Modi has to bear the entire blame. Elections and Kumbh Mela are reported to have been instrumental in the explosion of Covid -19, Chapter 2. Statistics and theories abound in its support and against. None of the leaders suggested to the EC for postponing elections till the time the infections and fatalities hit them on their faces towards the fag end of the exercise.

The public are also having a major share in the episode in that they renounced masks and social distancing in spite of the governments both in the states and Centre went on barking day in day out through all sorts of media, post the first wave.

When the vaccine was progressing, the Centre has been asking the citizens go for vaccination. At that time we had netas like Rahul and many others denouncing the vaccine as " BJP vaccine " " Modi vaccine" exhorting people to shun them. Now they all clamour and want everyone to go for it. What sort of patriotism and integrity is this?

India did have a breakthrough very early and wanted to help the poorer nations of the world and exported vaccines to these countries as we were not forthcoming to get vaccinated. At the height of Covid crisis we shipped HCQ to US and the west to give them some succour to their citizens who were dying in hordes. The goodwill earned is being reciprocated now when we are under enormous pressure during the second wave. We should stop for a moment and think how these loose mouths would have handled such a situation had they been in power. I shudder to imagine that situation.

The state governments go to their high court's with a rant against the Centre in order to cover up their failures at the ground level. The courts also, without having any expertise in these matters simply pass orders directing the Centre to supply tons of oxygen within 12 hours, supply lacs of vials of Covaxin/ Covishield by the morning .

Manufacture of oxygen is in the hands of private sector and it is not a regulated commodity. Thanks to these private sector, in spite of being derided by great Netas of left and secularists, these companies have risen to the occasion and are showing their patriotism and integrity by converting and diverting their entire production of medical oxygen to the state governments for use in the hospitals. Here also states have failed in not organising to transport and distribute oxygen. There is an acute shortage of oxygen tankers.

Most of the corporate hospitals have failed in having their own O2 plants and abject neglect in maintenance. We can see a number of fire accidents and internal supply failures. The net result is extensive damage to Centre and especially Modi. These netas, bogus secularists and the unethical media have succeeded and are basking in the glory in spite doing something to mitigate the sufferings of the people or to improve the morale and positivity of the public.

The main issue for all these exalted personalities is that Modi is not getting baited by their invectives and does not respond to any of their accusations. All he is doing is focussed on mitigation and taking the citizens of this country to safer shores. He may respond once our country conquers and comes out of the raging pandemic.

None of the loud mouths look at States, esp Orissa, with capable leaders, for being focussed on the task in hand and not spew venom at anyone else. Modi and his government have committed grave errors and earnestly engrossed in remedying the situation. Let us wait and pass judgement at a later date.

These personalities have not made even one effective alternatives in the present crisis except finding fault with anything the government .does. When lockdown was initially announced there was loud objections for scuttling the livelihood. In the present scenario, there is reluctance on the part of the central government with concern for livelihood, the coterie shouts for lockdown. In Kerala, the government is so focussed on taking care of the people of the state ,it does not have the time to indulge in petty politics.

The most questionable part of the whole episode is the utter lack of integrity on the part of individuals indulging in hording and black marketing essential and life-saving materials. The citizens have also failed by not adhering to basics like use of mask and social distancing. No court in the country has reprimanded them for their share in spreading the second wave. It's time media , all sorts, resorted to some honest reporting and refrained from scaring the public by spewing negativity in tons.

By constituting various task forces, the apex court is creating more paper without knowing/analysing the situation. Centre has established its rightful thought by objecting to the courts taking over administration. The courts, it appears are in a hurry to pass orders and play to the gallery. It's time they stopped for a minute and introspect.

— J Kannan, Hyderabad



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