MyVoice: Views of our readers 9th April 2024
MyVoice: Views of our readers 10th March 2025
BJP leaders shooting their mouths off
This refers to “Language of Tukde Tukde Gang: Modi” (8 April). Elsewhere, the controversial Assam CM went on to claim that Congress manifesto is suited to Pakistan pool (it is a different matter that pool in Pakistan is long over). Way back in February 2020, the government through the then Minister of State for Home Affairs informed Lok Sabha that there is no information as such on “Tukde Tukde Gang’’. I think the PM ought to maintain some sobriety on something that doesn’t exist. No wonder the supporters of the ruling party go on spreading fake information in social media on tall leaders of the freedom struggle, in particular Nehru. The young MP aspirant from Mandi Himachal Pradesh goes on to claim Netaji Bose as India’s first PM. BJP can question the manifesto of Congress but to connect the tottering Pakistan If Congress do get some seats, are those who have voted for them from Pakistan? The ruling which is confident of a comfortable win should maintain some decorum. The Election Commission is not taking these comments seriously in spite of clear violation of MCC.
N Nagarajan, Hyderabad
Heat waves no concern of parties, govts
The real heat is surpassing the political heat right now in our country. Many states are experiencing heat waves to the dismay of people. The mercury levels everyday are frighteningly increasing. Though the people are reeling under scorching heat, their woes have taken backseat with all political parties engaged in campaigns. The attention of mainstream media is more on political heat and dust than on the physical heat of environment. The government should focus on immediate issues like drinking water problem and viral fevers which are looming large on the horizon. The political parties should take all precautions in their campaigns like avoiding mass gatherings under scorching sun and providing adequate water facilities to the people involved. The parties who intend to rule the country should be mindful of the fact that people have right against climate change and right to healthy environment.
Dr DVG Sankara Rao, Vizianagaram
Going is not good for Congress party
By emerging as the largest party, the BJP has given a run for money to the opposition in the ensuing general elections. Samajwadi Party is in such a condition that they have to change the candidates every hour for Congress. They do not have funds to field candidates and are much worried about losing deposits as they generally come after the regional parties in vote share. We witnessed Congress in doldrums in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand recently. It was called the semi-final for the general elections. In the final, the fingers are crossed as the age old party is losing candidates as they cross floors and join other parties. The going is not good.
C K Ramanathan, Chennai
No move to take note of elders’ woes
Modi guarantees and Congress’ 25 promises have conveniently ignored senior citizens’ basic requirements despite taking their woes to the attention of parties. The ignored issues are: Reinstatement of concessions in Railways; extending medical benefits in CGHS or ESI hospitals; hiking of minimum pensions to EPS-95 retirees and other non-pensioners; issue of white ration cards to eligible ones, etc. One more vital point I would like to suggest is: an enactment is required to be made to halt freebies throughout India. Those interested to serve after retirement may be provided employment irrespective of their age. There are many aged persons not able to meet both ends due to utter poverty which is more dangerous than war as India is a poverty-ridden country and it will continue to be.
Dr NSR Murthy, Secunderabad
Church move to incite religious hatred
It was most unfortunate that the Syro-Malabar Church in Kerala screened the film, ‘The Kerala Story,’ for catechism students. We deplore and condemn it unreservedly and unequivocally. The screening of the film as part of ‘faith festival’ amounted to injecting the poison of religious hatred in young people at an impressionable age. It also amounted to a breach of inter-religious trust, much needed in a multi-religious society like ours. We supposed that catechism classes are meant to inculcate the teachings of Christ in young people. We have not yet learnt of any instance of any anti-Christian film screened in a mosque! The Kerala Story is an Islamophobic movie made to malign the Muslim youth in Kerala. ‘Love jihad’ is a canard and a hoax created by Hindu revivalists and reactionary Bishops to deepen the religious divide in a religiously plural society in which people of different faiths live cheek by jowl.
G David Milton, Maruthancode, TN