MyVoice: Views of our readers 9th November 2020

Update: 2020-11-09 00:00 IST

MyVoice: Views of our readers 20th November 2020

Pride goes before a fall

It was a mighty joke when Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao rebuffed a query regarding financial review wherein the concerned Minister was not included. As is his wont, Chandrashekar Rao reviews and takes government decisions only with his family caucus and all other Ministers are rendered dummies. It is time the government conducted administration more transparently including the respective Ministers so as to ensure a federal structure. Even Harish Rao, one of the most efficient functionaries of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi and the government is being side-lined with his talent being wasted. Let Chandrashekar Rao remember 'pride goes before a fall'.


J Kannan, Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad

Kamala Harris, a perfect inspiration

The election of Kamala Devi Harris as the USA's Vice-President and the consequent addition of several firsts to her name is very inspiring. A perfect example of practice what you preach can be found in Kamala's words herself, "What I want young women and girls to know is that you are powerful and your voice matters". While this is one of the most important necessities on the global scale, it is even more indispensable in the Indian scenario. For Indian women to have a power and voice of their own, their adequate representation in various fields is a must. India has always been underrated in terms of its women representation and this even more visible in the political framework. Willing and interested women need to start taking up political field as their career as it would not just help the ones taking them up but the concept of feminism as a whole.

Ramala Kinnera, Nacharam, Hyderabad

Biden rule will be beneficial for India

The victory of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris has filled enthusiasm in lots of Americans. Biden obtaining more than 75 million votes, which is the first time ever by a Presidential candidate shows how much did the people want a change. Biden was almost inconsequential. This vote was more like a referendum on Trump's four-year governance than support to Biden. Pro-democracy activists have poured into America's cities to bid farewell to Trump and celebrate the people's triumphant victory.

This feels more like the end of a regime than the end of a democratically elected government. Trump's actions over past two-three days shows how menacing he will be for the democracy if he gets elected for the second term. In democracy, all over the world, winning or losing elections is a common thing. The cornerstone of democracy is peaceful transfer of power. With Biden winning the elections, India's relation with the US is expected to be more transparent and more predictable. His plans to reform the H-1B visa system, expanding the number of visas, and to stamp out the limits on employment-based green cards by country, will definitely benefit Indians and Indian families. Biden would be good for Indian immigration to the US. His commitment to the Paris Agreement on climate change may also benefit India, as we are hoping for investment from the Green Climate Fund in Indian renewable energy initiatives.

Ravi Teja Kathuripalli, Kondapur, Hyderabad

Banning sale of crackers not right decision

Banning the sale of crackers by some State governments during Diwali is not a good decision. Thousands of years ago, during Lord Krishna's time, when people were dying due to some deadly virus every year in October and November months, Lord Krishna asked people to make fire before sunrise and after sunset by burning crackers made up of some chemicals which evolved smoke so that it would kill the virus. Lord Krishna achieved success through this act of burning crackers, fire and smoke. As the virus which was named as 'Narakasura', got killed and people were saved from the demon virus. Krishna made it like a tradition to celebrate and practice every year so that the virus gets killed.

For cleansing and purifying well water for drinking in olden days, Ganesh puja was introduced so that people make a clay Ganesh idol mixed with chemicals, and after doing puja with many medicinal plants, throw the entire lot of Ganesh idol and medicinal plants in the well water to kill bacterial infections. Similarly, eating pulihora rice on festival days that is prepared with turmeric and tamarind to kill germs and bacteria in our bodies was also introduced as a ritual. On Ugadi Day people prepare and eat Ugadi Pachchadi having Jaggery and neem flowers to kill bacteria in our body.

For Sankranti, people sprinkle cow dung mixed water and keep cow dung in front of their houses to prevent viruses from entering their houses. On Holi festival day, people play with water mixed colours sprinkling on the skin, observed like a ritual. The colours containing some chemicals kill bacteria. We must not ban the age-old belief, rituals and traditions which were introduced with purpose for the well-being of people. People celebrate the festivals with a feeling of happiness of victory over evil. While celebrating these festivals, people are fighting a battle against viruses and bacteria without knowing.

Jakka Vijay Kumar, myJyoti Colony, Secunderabad



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