MyVoice: Views of our readers 9th November 2021

Update: 2021-11-09 06:00 IST

MyVoice: Views of our readers 9th November 2021

Make Vedic studies mandatory

This refers to Ramu Sarma's "Time to revive importance of Vedas and Upanishads" (THI November 8). When the slokas in Vedas or its quintessence Upanishads are same, why the highly renowned scholar seers Adi Sankara believed in Advaita (non-dualism) and Ramanujacharya preached the doctrine of Visishtadwaita (Qualified Monism)? (Madhwa school of philosophy Dwaita (Dualism) was not touched by the author). Sheer interpretation is the source of their schools of thoughts. Then what is real? Famous philosophers in vedic verses could not clarify the hidden secret in it. The names of Gods are not mentioned anywhere in Vadas but only referred to as Brahman (Paramatma). Bhagavad Geeta was explained differently by Saivaits, Vishnavaits and others. Revival of our ancient but ever relevant omnipotent scriptures is possible only if Vedic studies are made mandatory in curriculum throughout India.


Dr NSR Murthy, Secunderabad


The caption, "Time to revive importance of Vedas and Upanishads," (Nov 7) is excellent but its narration is not matching as there is no scope to mention the philosophies of seers or saints. Readers should have been advised to understand precisely what is in Vedas in order to choose the right path. In Brihadaranyakopanishad, it was vividly spelt three maxims : They are "Lead me from unreal to real" (Asatoma Sadgamaya), "Lead me from darkness to light" (Tamasoma Jyothirgamaya), and "Lead me from mortality to immortality" (Mrityorma Amrutangamaya). That's all. For knowing this knowledge, the essential principles in Vedas and Upanishads are to be learnt. Philosophy means formation of one's own opinion. Material world is illusion or energy of God are coming into the category of personal conclusions.

N Ramalakshmi, Secunderabad

No change in KCR's style

Despite the crude words used by KCR attacking the opposition leaders and parties in the past if things did not go as per his plans, it is unfortunate there is no change in his conduct and style of functioning. The latest row with the Centre after the BJP-ruled States and Union Territories reduced the prices of petrol and diesel, followed suit by two opposition ruled States, has put pressure on KCR who, however, point-blank refused to reduce a single rupee on petrol and diesel without analysing the matter in detail. KCR firing a salvo at the Centre while pouring venom at State BJP members as is his wont by throwing needless challenges in the given situation is unwarranted. However, as KCR precipitated the issue without any reason or logic, the State is certain to witness heated exchanges between both the parties.

K R Srinivasan, Secunderabad

Healthcare workers yet to be recognised as Covid martyrs

When Covid-19 entered India last year, our PM made us clap, ring a bell and light lamp etc., in honour of doctors and healthcare workers who were taking the risk of taking care of the people against a novel and unknown virus. Today, I was shocked to receive a mail from one Dr Mayank Dabral, asking for my support to sign a petition that thousands of health workers who died in the course of duty have not been recognised as martyrs unlike Armed Forces and police personnel who are given recognition they deserve. Dr Dabral himself has lost four of his family members and he is now fighting with the government to officially recognise health care workers as Covid "martyrs." The ruling party often makes a big noise when their party and RSS workers get killed due to political rivalry and often call them martyrs, why health workers are ignored.

N Nagarajan, Hyderabad

Team India down and out

We were given the pride of place by playing all the matches in Dubai and that too all night games only to accommodate the maximum crowds in support of the Indian team. As it was a farewell series for Kohli as the captain and Ravi Shastri as the coach, both were basking in past glory and now we face the music. IPL spoiled our hopes and made us reach this level. As the blame game is spreading like a wildfire, the social media is full of abuses. These insights would have been helpful before the tournament started. But we have no courage to stand up against the money mafia that is the IPL. Saying these things after the elimination only highlights the coach's incompetence, along with the captain and his team. We follow hero worship and that paved way for an early exit.

Gundu K. Maniam, Chennai



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