Same sex marriage

Update: 2020-09-19 23:53 IST

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It is indeed good to learn that the Centre on Monday told the Delhi High Court that marriage between same sex couples was 'not permissible' as it is not recognised by our laws, legal system, society and our values. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta submitted this before the court during the hearing of a Public Interest Litigation seeking declaration that same sex marriages be recognised under the Hindu Marriage Act and Special Marriage Act. However, it is pertinent to note that same sex marriage is accepted in many countries and with this wide acceptability in mind, the PIL was moved in the court. Fortunately, the court questioned the need for a PIL in the instant case.


It is also heartening to learn that the Solicitor General Tushar Mehta opposed the relief sought in the petition. He said, "Our laws, our legal system, our society and our values do not recognise a marriage, which is a sacrament, between same sex couples." He explained that the petition was asking the court to legislate and, in such circumstances, if court granted any relief would run contrary to various statutory provisions.

Thus, the Solicitor General has well preserved the order in currency in the society by opposing the same sex marriage, for same sex marriage is a taboo being followed since time immemorial. Our society has a family system in which a man and his wife builds a family by procreating progenies. In order to preserve the purity of the family, both the man and his wife have to adhere to certain rules in life. Same sex marriage can never procreate progenies and it can never be sacred as well. Further, it shatters the sacredness of a real family.

God considers family as a most sacred institution in society and therefore everyone has to attach too much importance to family. The tying of nuptial knot truly begins and enters the threshold of a family. Both the man and his wife must be faithful to each other till their end. This willingness of being faithful is the key to a sacred family and the children born out of their wedlock are looking to their parents for guidance and for everything.

Thus, every act of the parents is very crucial before their children, who learn everything from them at their rudimentary stage. Thus, family should be taken care of and run carefully. Either husband or wife, who strays out of this sacredness or fidelity once, truly breaks the sacredness of family. Even the spouse who opts for divorce commits the sin of breaking family. There is nothing that cannot be reconciled except adultery.

Adultery is a terrible sin before God and the society. One who commits it cheat one's spouse. While marrying, both the bride and bridegroom express their willingness to be faithful till their end and thus they love each other and they are no longer two bodies but one body. They ardently love and exchange everything each other.

So, when the spouse commits adultery, he/she gives in himself/herself to another, such an act itself is tantamount to treachery. Such adulterous wife/husband breaks the sacredness of the family. Thus, the family disintegrates and eventually society suffers from such disintegration. So, it is the duty of everyone to oppose the move by certain people with ulterior motives to destroy right family system in the country.

T K Nandanan, Kochi



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