Stop criticising the dead, Mr PM!

Update: 2019-05-05 23:51 IST

Our PM Narendra Modi's speeches stoops to a new low and he has made his office of PM lose its sheen. Modi again has crossed the laxman rekha by calling Rajiv Gandhi as "Bhrashtachari no1".

Modi has crossed all limits of propriety and decency by defaming a man who has sacrificed his life for the nation. Narendra Modi has forgotten that High Court Delhi has thrown out all charges against Rajiv Gandhi as completely baseless.


Narendra Modi should criticise persons who are alive and it is not good on his part to criticise persons who are dead and who will not be able to defend the allegations laid by Modi.

It is not good to accuse some one who isn't around to defend himself is condemnable.

Rajiv Gandhi has laid down his life in the call of duty of the nation. Abusing the assassinated former PM in public just to garner some votes is nothing but a moral degradation of our PM Narendra Modi.

There are many issues to fight these     elections, so at least leave the dead men .

Zakir Hussain, Kazipet



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