3 new Guinness World Records set by Akshar Yoga Institutions

Update: 2023-02-17 23:55 IST

3 new Guinness World Records set by Akshar Yoga Institutions

Bengaluru: History was created when yoga practitioners worldwide assembled at the Mandala Yoga Festival to set 3 New Guinness World Records in 3 different asanas. A celebration of yoga, health, and well-being, witnessed Akshar Yoga Research and Development Centre, under the guidance of Himalayan Siddha Akshar, successfully enter into the Guinness Book of World Records.


The category for which they achieved the three records was the most number of people performing and holding three asanas – Halasana (60 seconds), Ustrasana (60 seconds) and Vasishtasana (45 seconds). The official team from Guinness World Records observed, evaluated the event and awarded the Akshar Yoga Research and Development Centre the certificate for the successful completion of the 3 records.

The festival witnessed practitioners from all walks of life, including school and college students, corporate professionals, homemakers, and entrepreneurs. Among the participants were 250 esteemed members belonging to the Karnataka State Police Department. Several underprivileged children, including 100 specially-abled children and children from orphanages, were also carefully trained by Akshar Yoga Master Teachers, especially for this event.

All the practitioners who performed this asana for the Guinness World Records had undergone rigorous training leading up to this triumphant attempt. The training conducted as preparation for the feat included learning about the proper alignment of the posture. The yoga practitioners also trained the body while understanding the correct breathing technique and finally worked on developing the ability to hold these poses for the stipulated durations.

The Chief Guest who presided over the festival was Honourable Minister of Higher Education, Dr C N Ashwath Narayan. Addressing the participants at the event, he spoke about how yogic science can and should be the focus of our advancement. He shared that, if the science of yoga is worked upon, everyone will naturally adopt yoga into their lifestyle. He also expressed gratitude to Akshar Yoga Institutions for their involvement in imparting yoga and evolving how it is taught systematically. He conveyed his best wishes to the organization to encourage them to continue disseminating the valuable science of yoga.

The Guinness officials presiding over the records attempt declared the final verdict of 560 successful participants for Halasana (plough pose), 510 for Vashishtasana (side plank) and 572 for Ushtrasana (camel pose). 3 new records for Yoga were added in the Guinness World Record archives.

The festival was a demonstration of how one can enrich one's life and make it beautiful through the practice of yoga. In order to attain work-life balance, we need to stay in optimal health, and yoga is the perfect answer to overall well-being and good health. Yoga is a journey for a lifetime because it influences your overall health. Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, speaking about the occasion, appealed to everyone to take up the practice of yoga which is a divine gift that all should enjoy. Furthermore, yoga does more than keep you fit; it involves the whole family and enables one to experience the bliss of life. Yoga influences physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth. It is a form of personal development and holistic well-being. It is more than an art form; it is a celebration of life.

The founder of Akshar Yoga, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, dedicated these three new records to yoga practitioners all over the world. This event was also supported by Himalaya Yoga Ashrama, World Yoga Organisation, International Siddha Foundation and Mahaprabhu Jagannath Sangh.



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