Pap smear test must to prevent cervical cancer among women: Doctor

Update: 2022-01-21 03:15 IST

Dr Smrithi D Nayak

Bengaluru: Have you scheduled your cervical cancer screening test yet? January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. Here are a few facts about cervical cancer:

Cervical cancer is a cancer arising from the cervix (mouth of the uterus) and is the second most common cancer after breast cancer. Every year more than 5,00,000 cases are reported resulting in over 2,50,000 deaths worldwide. One in 28 women stand the risk of developing cervical cancer in their lifetime.


Speaking to The Hans India, Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dr Smrithi D Nayak shares her insight on cervical cancer. "This is a preventable disease and most countries are quite advanced when it comes to regular Pap smears for screening of cervical cancer which is why the incidence rate there is very low. Sadly, in India and other developing countries, there isn't enough awareness or formal screening programs are held. That is the reason why most women with cervical cancers seek medical help in the advanced stages. Pap smear is a very simple OPD procedure done to screen for cervical cancer. It is painless and takes less than 5 minutes," explains Dr Smrithi.

She said, it can cost anywhere from Rs 800 to Rs 1,000 and the report is ready in two days. It is recommended to be done once every three years. HPV vaccine is also available against the viral strains which cause cervical cancer and genital warts. It is recommended to women to be taken from as young as nine years i.e before their first sexual experience. There are three types of vaccine available.

The Quadrivalent vaccine (Gardasil) is widely recommended, as it provides protection against the HPV, 16, 18 which causes cervical cancer and 6, 11 which causes genital warts. Dr Smrithi said, "Three doses are recommended for 0, 2 and 6 month. The cost can range from Rs 2,800 to Rs 3,000. It provides protection of up to 98% against cervical cancer. Women are recommended to undergo regular PAP smears even after taking the vaccine."

She added, The vaccine can cause mild side effects like local (injection-site pain) and general (fatigue, headache and fever). The vaccine can also be taken by male partners as it protects them from getting genital warts and it prevents them from infecting their partner with HPV virus hence preventing cervical cancer in the female partner.



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