Pink eye disease to spread round the year due to climate change

Update: 2023-10-17 13:00 IST

Bengaluru: The shocking fact is although cases of pink eye have decreased in the city, it continues to spread to people throughout the year. Earlier, ‘Madras Eye’ disease was spread only during rainy season. But now the fact that the disease spreads throughout the year has naturally made parents worried.

Madras Eye disease mostly occurs in children. The parents were relieved that this day only lasts for one season. But now parents are looking forward to sending their children to schools as the year goes on.

Number of Madras Eye cases reported in August were four to five per day. But in late September and early October, 7 to 10 cases were reported per week. Doctors said that if the weather is cold, Madras Eye disease will continue to spread.

A large number of cases are reported only in summer and monsoon. But Madras eye disease will never go away due to climate changes. At least 15 percent more cases have been reported this year than last year due to extreme weather.

onjunctivitis is an eye condition that presents with redness, swelling and watery discharge in the eyes due to inflammation of the conjunctiva, a transparent tissue membrane that covers the whites of the eyes. This contagion usually lasts for a week and is usually treated with eye drops.

Early symptoms of Madras eye include redness, itching, excessive watering and a stinging sensation in the eyes. As the infection progresses, it may become difficult to open the eyes to light and the eyes may discharge white discharge.


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