Temperature soars: Demand for Nandini buttermilk increases

Update: 2024-03-26 13:18 IST

Bengaluru: The rising temperature in North Karnataka has increased the demand for soft drinks and cold beverages. People are resorting to juice, soft drinks, buttermilk to escape from the heat of the sun and thirst. As a result, the demand for KMF’s Nandini Buttermilk has increased tremendously in the Kalyana Karnataka region. According to Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) data, the daily demand for Nandini buttermilk in Kalyana Karnataka was 1,243 liters in February. But in March it increased to 4,615 liters per day. It is expected to increase further in April and May.

Currently there is a huge demand for 200 ml buttermilk packets. A total of 6,215 packets were sold per day in February. This increased to 23,075 packets per day in March. According to KMF data, the demand for buttermilk in March 2024 has increased by up to 200 percent compared to March 2023. In March 2023, the demand for buttermilk was 2,830 liters per day.

This summer, along with buttermilk, the demand for curd has also increased. In February 2024, the demand was 9,618 liters per day. This has increased to 10,821 liters per day by March 20.


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