16th annual general meeting of shareholders held

Update: 2019-07-02 02:41 IST

Hyderabad: Bank of Maharashtra held its 16th annual general meeting (AGM) to approve and adopt the balance sheet along with profit and loss account of the Bank for the year ended March 31.

While adopting the balance sheet as at March 31, shareholders of the Bank expressed their faith and confidence in the Bank and its leadership team. The shareholders acknowledged and appreciated the management's efforts undertaken for improving the Bank's performance.

AS Rajeev, Managing Director and CEO of Bank of Maharashtra informed about the performance highlights of Bank and various initiatives taken by Bank, while addressing the shareholders at the 16th AGM of the Bank

AC Rout, Executive Director, Hemant Tamta, Executive Director, Deendayal Agrawal, Director, General Managers of Bank, Representative of the Government of India and Auditors of Bank were present in the meeting.


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