Applications called for philately scholarships

Update: 2019-08-26 00:28 IST
Stamps and other philatelic products

Abids: Philately is the study of stamps and postal history and other related items. It also refers to the collection, appreciation and research activities on stamps and other philatelic products.

Reinforcing the efforts aimed towards increasing the reach of philately, the Department of Posts has introduced a philately scholarship scheme Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana (Scholarship for Promotion of Aptitude & Research in Stamps as a Hobby) for generating interest regarding Philately amongst students.

Students of class VI to IX from a recognised school within India having the good academic record and pursuing philately as a hobby are eligible for a scholarship. At the time of selection for award of scholarship, the candidate should have scored at least 60 per cent marks or equivalent grade/grade point in the recent final examination. There will be five per cent relaxation for SC/ST.

A Level-1 Screen Test (Philately Written Quiz) for one hour will be conducted on current affairs, history, geography, science, sports, culture, local philately and national philately for the eligible candidates and 40 candidates per class will be allowed to submit the Philately Project Work (Level-2). SPARSH Scholarships will be awarded solely on the basis of the marks secured in the philately project. Students who are eligible from Level 1 should submit their project work in 4 to 5 pages and using not more than 16 stamps (original/image).

The amount of scholarship per awardee is Rs.6,000 and will be paid at Rs1500 on a quarterly basis to 10 students in each class for one year. The student should be a member of the School Philately Club. In case the School Philately Club hasn't been established, a student having his own Philately Deposit Account may also be considered.

To open a new Philately Deposit Account, visit the nearby Head Post Office/Hyderabad GPO. Interested candidates may submit their application form at the nearest office of Sr/Supdt. of Post Office(s) by August 31. Details are also available at & Applications can be downloaded from "". A sample of the project is also made available in the same website. 


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