Applications invited for fire & safety courses

Update: 2019-03-25 02:36 IST
Applications invited for fire & safety courses

Hyderabad: National Centre for Fire & Safety Engineering called for applications for admission into Centre's Fire & Safety courses like organising sanitary inspector, fire safety, industrial safety and health safety and environment courses. Those passed intermediate, degree, diploma and engineering are eligible to apply for the courses.

The courses offered are: Certificate course in Fire Officer, Certificate course in Sub-Fire Officer, Post diploma in Industrial Fire & Safety Operation, post diploma in Occupational Safety, Health & Environment Management System, diploma course in Fire Technology & Industrial Safety, Diploma in Fire Safety & Industrial Security, diploma in Industrial Safety, Diploma in Disaster Management, Diploma in sanitary Health Inspector.

Director of NCTT Centre for Fire & Safety Engineering Vimala Reddy has stated that after successful completion of the courses in Fire & Safety courses, the candidates will get job opportunities in oil and gas industry, mining, plantation and erecting, thermal power stations, construction, airports, MNCs and so on in the country and abroad.

The last date for filing applications is April 4. For more information, those interested may call 9701496748. They can apply online website, Vimala Reddy added. 


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