City ranks fourth in net addiction in India

Update: 2019-05-22 01:37 IST

Hyderabad: Hyderabad stands fourth in internet addiction in the country. The number of cases is increasing by the day and the age group reducing. A few years ago, the number of cases pertaining to internet addiction was in the age group 16 and above but now even as young as 12-year-olds are affected, says a study.

• Hyderabad stands fourth in the country for internet addiction cases


• 37% of teenagers in urban Telangana are affected by psychiatric distresses

• 13-15-year olds are often addicted to video games, and 15-17 year olds are surfing Facebook for more than 10 hours a day

• 15-17 year-olds found to be surfing Facebook for more than 10 hours a day

At least one internet addiction case is reported every day says experts of World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation (WAPR). "At least one case report of internet de-addiction in every rehabilitation center is reported is and Hyderabad takes fourth place in India.

37% of teenagers in urban Telangana are affected by 'psychiatric distress' due to overuse of technology. 13-15 year olds are often addicted to video games, and 15-17 year olds are surfing Facebook for more than 10 hours a day," said Dr Ramasubramanian, WAPR.

Such addiction to internet based activities makes them socially isolated and confused besides having problems such as eye-sight problems and back-ache, warn doctors.

It's time to cross check ourselves if we are using cell phones more than we need, over usage of internet and social sites not only developing mental illness in younger minds but also cause of obesity, metabolic disturbances and hypertension says reports of WAPR.

Just like any other mental problem, internet addiction takes time and a determined approach to get over it. 'Patients' are motivated, and educated about proper usage of technology, and allowed disciplined access to the web, under supervision.

In our view, over-usage of anything is bad. Even if I eat large quantity of food in a single instance, I may die from over-eating. Similar is the case with Internet usage. Information overload, too much social media activities and games can play havoc with the brain and change the natural flow of actions, says Dr Krishna from Institute of Mental Health. 



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