Cong’s rejigged list of nominated posts leaves aspirants squirming

Update: 2024-06-19 10:26 IST

Hyderabad: Considered to be a fallout of the Lok Sabha poll results, the Congress recalled the list of 37 candidates that was earlier finalised for nominated posts. The entire process restarting afresh would take not days but weeks, giving impetus to others to lobby, while increasing the worries of those who were already listed. According to party sources, those whose names were cleared before the Lok Sabha polls and eager to ‘take up charge’ for the nominated posts are now spending anxious moments, owing to the fact that not only the Government Orders could be indefinitely delayed, but their names could be missing in the next list.


“The earlier list is of no use as a fresh list is being prepared, due to various factors surrounding the issue, including complaints from the Ministers. How many would continue and how many would be dropped in the fresh list is incomprehensible. It’s a worrying development for those whose names were listed. With this news spreading within the party, everyone is making all out efforts to try their luck and meeting not only Ministers, but also party’s top leaders. As the frenzy has reached crescendo, leaders like Deepa Dasmushi (AICC State in-charge) are avoiding meeting partymen right now,” said a senior leader, who is also trying his luck.

Incidentally, a handful of the posts had the GOs released. But since they did not get any nod from the PCC leadership, they could not take charge formally. Considered to be a hasty decision prior to the Lok Sabha polls, the party leadership had hoped those whose names were listed would work hard during the elections. However most of those who received the posts remained inactive, providing an excuse to the Ministers who did not wish them to be on board. Following various Ministers expressing unhappiness, the leadership decided to do away with the earlier list. Even the fate of those three to four candidates whose GO was passed hangs in balance.

“The situation is such that even those who are outsiders are staking claims, citing participation in Bharat Jodo Yatra. Since there remains scope for everyone, why we should be left behind. I thought it fit to throw my hat in the ring,” chuckled a septuagenarian, while claiming to have spent all his life serving the party.



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