Global health leaders unite for pandemic preparedness

Update: 2023-06-05 09:02 IST

Hyderabad: Dr Bharati Pravin Pawar, Union Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare emphasised the ongoing threat of pandemics and the need for integrated and strengthened One Health-based surveillance systems. Speaking at the third Health Working Group meeting under G20 India Presidency, Dr Pawar highlighted the importance of global collaboration and partnerships. She emphasized that partnerships are most effective when developed during peacetime and stressed the need to focus on resilient health systems with primary health as a cornerstone.


She also emphasised the importance of safe, effective, and quality medical countermeasures. India's G20 Presidency is working towards consensus for a comprehensive Global Medical Countermeasure (MCM) ecosystem, leveraging existing global and regional initiatives. She urged G20 countries to create an interim platform guided by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) process.

Recognising the alignment between G7 and G20 priorities, she called for strengthening ongoing efforts in pandemic prevention and preparedness. She highlighted the urgency to act now, as pandemics may not wait for the finalization of the Pandemic Treaty. She also shared India’s proposal for a Global initiative on Digital Health, a WHO-managed network to converge technology-driven initiatives in global health.

Prof S P Singh Baghel emphasised the need for diverse multilateral efforts in pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. He stated that effective interventions at regional, national, and global levels are crucial in facilitating pandemic prevention and response.

Rajesh Bhushan, Union Health Secretary, emphasised the importance of “Health for All” and the need to converge ongoing discussions in Global Health Architecture. He stressed the integration of existing global health initiatives and processes, such as G7, G20, and UNGA, for a comprehensive and fit-for-purpose global health architecture.

The Indonesian and Brazilian Troika members praised India’s Presidency for highlighting health priorities and urged collective efforts to strengthen pandemic preparedness, prevention, and response. They emphasized the need for a robust global health architecture.



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