Hyderabad: Harish asks health officials to ensure better medicare

Update: 2022-02-19 00:36 IST

Health Minister Harish Rao

Hyderabad: Health Minister Harish Rao on Friday conducted a virtual meeting with the superintendents of Osmania and Gandhi Hospitals and all Health department officials.

Rao reviewed the performance of various departments under Health. He inquired about the implementation and progress of decisions taken at the last meeting.

The minister told the meeting, "the government's aim is to provide quality medical services to the poor. Medical equipment has been provided to government hospitals, to ensure that there should not be any difficulty while treating patients and ensuring no shortage of medicines; necessary funds are being provided."


Rao directed the health staff to be polite to patients and attendants and asked doctors to provide emergency medical services. He asked the department officials to further enhance the Ayushman Bharat scheme implementation across the State.

The minister lauded the Gynaecology department of the Gandhi Hospital for providing medical services to Covid-affected pregnant women.

He asked doctors to reduce the C-section deliveries and increase normal deliveries. In the same way, the maternal and infant mortality should be completely reduced. He asked them to prepare an audit report on infant mortality, general mortality and C-section mortality.

The minister said the civil works are expected to be completed soon in both the State-run hospitals. New mortuary in OGH is expected to be completed in nine months.

Rao informed the officials that there will be a monthly review and asked the superintendents to prepare department-wise reports. 



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