Hyderabad: Nestle In Nature'S Lap, Literally

Update: 2021-03-03 00:17 IST

Nestle In Nature’S Lap, Literally

Yapral: A unique theme park with a refreshing eye appeal is becoming a reality here soon. The environs are being planned and arranged such that all age groups can enjoy serenity and relax their vision faculties. Designers claim that a casual walk in the multi-generations theme park will soothe the frayed nerves in eyes, at Shaili Gardens here.

The park will do a lot of good to visitors, relieving them all that built-up stress of daily rigours and urban living. The sights and scents in an herbal garden not only delights senses but also revitalises health.


The multi-generation theme park will have a nature's bed, where it will let people lie amid the herbal plantation. Explaining it, Architect Sowjanya Kothawar, Principal Architect, Vivogue Design Studio, said: "We can sleep over herbal plants, which get us closer to nature and refresh our senses. It is a kind of a healing process. When herbs touch our body, while we sleep on them, they present a natural refreshment, what with the surroundings being refreshingly alluring. Nature bed is a fabricated structure with a net on it. Below the net there will be a herbal plantation. The herbs touch our body while we sleep on it. We call it nature's sleep which is truly refreshing for health." The primary objective of the GHMC to design this nature bed concept is only to take all the generations closer to nature and to spread plantation.

Padma Latha, GHMC Deputy Executive Engineer, informed that, "We have proposed a multi-generation theme park at Shaili Gardens with three generations theme (kids, youngsters and elderly) at an estimated cost of Rs 1.5 crore. The proposed works include a sandpit, pathway & jogging track, a walkway for elderly, a planter bed, a tennis court, an entry lobby, a central fountain with seating, a Gazebo, toilets, kiosk provision and other facilities."

Explaining the concept further, Sowjanya Kothawar said: "This is the only one among the 50 theme parks proposed by GHMC which has touching elements for all age groups. It entertains all – from kids to elderly. Kids, youngsters and above 50 age groups can also access the space equally at the park. Division of the space is given priority in proportion for all ages. To start with kids, the site welcomes a grand lobby with water features which will be followed by a walking track. A floral plantation along the way is planned to add beauty to the track. It is barrier-free."

"For elderly walk tracks, we have provided a railing so that they can take its help while having a casual stroll. To attract different age groups, we have highlighted few important elements such as play area for kids, a food court and a sandpit. To attract youngsters, we have added a multipurpose play court, a Gazebo and seating plazas. For elderly, we have come up with different colours of a seating plaza. The colours are not only attractive, but also help the elderly retreat their eyesight, which is more like an exercise for them," she added.



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