Hyderabad: Night temperatures in city likely to be in 13-14 deg C range
Night temperatures in city likely to be in 13-14 deg C range
Hyderabad: From the night temperature of 10.8 degrees Celsius (-4 deg below normal) during the last 24 hours ending at 8.30 am on Tuesday, the city is set to face fog/misty conditions in the morning hours with mainly clear sky later from December 22 to 27.
According to the IMD bulletin, the minimum temperatures from December 22 to 27 are likely to be 13, 13, 13, 14,14 and 13 degrees Celsius respectively.
Meanwhile, the IMD has warned of cold wave conditions likely to prevail in some pockets of Medak and ten other districts in the State on December 22. The bulletin said the minimum temperatures are likely to be below normal by 2-4 degrees Celsius at many places in the State from December 22 to 25.
During the last 24 hours Adilabad registered the lowest night temperature of 5.2 degrees Celsius, the lowest recorded till date this season, as the State recorded an appreciable fall at a few places.
According to the bulletin, the minimum temperatures were appreciably above normal ranging from 3.1 to 5 degrees Celsius at a few places. They were markedly below normal at one or two places by -5 degrees Celsius or less at one or two places.