Hyderabad: Postal Pension Adalat on Sept 14
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Hyderabad: A “Postal Pension Adalat” is scheduled on September 14 at the office of Postmaster General, Hyderabad to consider and redress grievances of Postal Pensioners and Family Pensioners pertaining to Head Quarters Region.
The Pension Adalat will be held on September 14 at 11 am through video conference. The link or joining video call link:. https://meet.google.com/cit-evqp-qsb. Last date for receipt of complaints / grievances is August 16. The grievances pertaining to Head Quarters Region regarding Pension matters may be sent by post addressed to “The Asst. Accounts Officer (Accts), 0/o the Postmaster General, Head Quarters Region, Telangana Circle, DakSadan, 4” floor, Abids, Hyderabad - 500 001” on or before August 16.
The letters and envelopes should be superscribed with the words “Postal Pension Adalat of Head Quarters Region”. Applicants may also attend the Adalat through Video Conference with the help of the above link, if they desire. Grievances already settled/replied/ under litigation or involving purely legal points that is succession and policy matters will not be considered. The grievances received after the last date will not be entertained