Locals sound alarm as Pragathi Nagar lake brimming with water

Update: 2024-07-24 09:30 IST

Hyderabad: The recent downpours have caused the city lakes to reach their full capacity, particularly the Pragathi Nagar Cheruvu in Nizampet, which has reached its maximum level. This has raised concerns among locals, as the Nizampet Municipal Corporation has yet to take measures to protect and rejuvenate the lake.

The lake's natural stormwater lines are brimming, and adding fuel to the fire is the fact that half of the lake is covered with water hyacinth. Although the lake was previously fenced, only half of it remains surrounded by fencing, and in some areas, the fences are broken.


Locals surrounding the lake have voiced their concerns, recalling a similar situation in 2020 when their streets were flooded with rainwater. They fear a repeat of this scenario if the rain continues. Without a permanent solution, the lake bund could collapse, causing the lake water to overflow into the streets and houses.

Highlighting the negligence, a few locals alleged that the lake has become a no man’s land, with confusion about whether this water body falls under the Nizampet Municipal Corporation or the GHMC limits.

Suresh, a local, said, “We are tired of repeatedly requesting the concerned officials to provide a permanent solution for the overflowing water in our colonies. Due to their negligence, we suffer every time it rains. If the bund is not strengthened, anything can happen.”

Sai Teja, another resident, said, “Even a small amount of rain is enough to overflow the area, and with every downpour, we are forced to spend sleepless nights. Our neighbourhood is a low-lying area and was severely affected by the floods in 2020, with water entering houses up to 5-6 feet. We do not want to face the same situation again.

Another major concern is that the lake needs regular monitoring, as it has been completely neglected. In 2020, there was a proposal to divert the sewage from the lake, but it seems that only a Bathukamma Ghat was constructed, and nothing else has been done to renovate the lake. We have complained many times, but all our pleas have fallen on deaf ears.”



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