Mindspace REIT donates Rs 2 cr for building Bharosa centre under CSR

Update: 2024-01-17 09:26 IST

Hyderabad: The Mindspace Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) donated Rs 2 crore to the Cyberabad police for the construction of a Bharosa centre for women and children in distress under its corporate social responsibility programme.

The demand draft for the CSR funds were handed over to Cyberabad Police Commissioner Avinash Mohanty and secretary-general of SCSC Ramesh Kaza at the commissioner’s office, by Shrawan Gone, chief operating officer (Telangana & AP) of K Raheja Corp on Tuesday.


Gone said ‘Mindspace REIT’ is deeply committed to community service with special focus on empowering women. “Recognizing the importance of providing a nurturing environment, we are dedicated to creating a centre with exceptional amenities where women feel not only comfortable and well cared for. but also heard.” Our contribution to the construction of this facility is a source of pride as it aims to uplift and empower women in our community. This is part of our commitment to add value to the communities in which we operate.

Kaza said SCSC is always in the forefront when it comes to women’s safety; this is another significant step in this direction of providing a permanent facility for women to seek redress of their grievances. “SCSC would like to thank Mindspace REIT who has come forward and decided to fund the cost of the facility,” he added.

Mohanty said Mindspace REIT has taken several initiatives to benefit society. The building will become a one point of contact facility for women in distress. “This building would consist of the Bharosa support centre for women and children. It is intended to support women affected by violence, in private and public spaces, within family, community and at workplace. Women facing physical, sexual, emotional, psychological and economic abuse, irrespective of age, class, caste, education/marital status, race and culture will be facilitated with support and redress with specialised services like counselling, legal aid”



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