Open nalas, manholes in Secunderabad Cantonment Board pose threat to

Update: 2021-08-18 23:40 IST

Open nalas, manholes in Secunderabad Cantonment Board pose threat to 

Secunderabad: Almost all open nalas and manholes in the Secunderabad Cantonment Board (SCB) area are not covered. Also, the internal roads are dotted with potholes. This is giving a tough time to commuters and the locals.

Locals allege that manholes, which are supposed to be access points for storm water drains and sewers due to bad maintenance have become a threat to them. As the drainage system in SCB is 45 years old and has not been repaired since then or neither new pipeline laid. Drain water routinely overflows from an open nala. The stink is unbearable. The mosquito menace has increased fears that people will fall sick.


Said T Satish Gupta, president, Vasavinagar Welfare Association, "many representations were sent to concerned officials regarding covering of open nalas and manholes, but all fell on deaf ears. Whenever it rains, sewage flows into lanes.

According to k Suresh, a resident of SCB, "Manholes and nalas were constructed during the pre-Independence era. No major face-lift was given to them, despite doubling of the population and colonies in the last 20 years. Several pleas to repair the nalas have fallen on deaf ears of the SCB officials. Last year due to floods we faced hardships."

Another resident Ramesh Reddy pointed out that "Due to sewage overflow almost all internal lanes are getting affected. Several times we approached the officials about issue. They are only giving false promises to take it up, but yet no action is taken."



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