Open up and share your experience: Covid Warrior
Open up and share your experience: Covid Warrior
Hyderabad: It takes much of our strength and courage in the fight against Covid as we get confined to four walls. All we need to do is, to be emotionally strong and take charge of all negative thoughts which scares us and turn them into positive solutions to win the battle with Coronavirus says K Veeresh, aLLB student and Covid warrior from Keshavarao Nagar Colony in Secunderabad.
'The moment you come to know you are positive, it takes away our complete strength and courage in no time. During its last days, Covid-19 had exhausted my physical being in every possible way. But, I was determined not to give up and decidedthat I will not lose against a virus. I made my self emotionallystrong and controlled my anxiety, now am just fine and healthy. Only mantra to win is to be strong enough mentally and maintainhealth with needed nutritious food and do regular required exercises' said the Covid Warrior.
'Managing emotional and mental balance is veryimportant. Added to that is the fear of stigma of havingcontracted the virus is one thing and the trauma of being locked, social abandonment leads to emotional turmoil. Well,that's just a phase, we need to battleit with a smile', says Veeresh.
Narrating his struggles, he continued saying 'I myself was notsure if I should share what I've been through. I was left worriedabout the impact it would have on people, especially knowinghow traumatic this virus can be, but I realised that, I myselfnever had the usual symptoms, I never believed it to be realuntil I got that result that I was positive. I felt devastated. Iwonder if I would have been kinder to myself having knownsooner that I was infected. I kept pushing, I kept fighting the pain and agony I was going through. But sharing this very honest and painful journey in socialmedia has given me strength and courage. Every prayer,message, call, the advice, the love and support, every grocerysupply, bowls of soup, the flowers and fruit. These gestures ofhumanity have helped me fight through these past fewanguishing days just like that' he adds.
Veeresh says 'open up and share the pain with the society, andit will love you more and respect you for honesty. I didn't wantto hide my test results as people do hide in fear of society.There is something great to be said for social media, it allows to connect, remind each other of our love, share kindness, care even though we are far apart. I have certainly felt how we aretogether. For this I am eternally grateful and with all the lovearound me and with the emotional support given by my familyand friends. I am back home with good health', heconcludes.