Over 15k consumers regularise additional load

Update: 2019-07-16 03:56 IST

Hyderabad: Around 15,000 consumers regularised their additional loads of power consumption in the latest five months in Telangana. Electricity regularisation scheme by Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana for additional loads benefits consumers with concessional payment of 50% of the development charges and presenting clear scope to escape charges on additional load after regularizing the electricity load voluntarily.


A scheme is envisaged by Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana (SPDCL) for regularisation of additional loads on voluntary basis by LT–I domestic electricity consumers on concession. As per the orders of the Telangana State Electricity Regulatory Commission, the domestic consumers who have to pay development charges of Rs 1,200 per kilowatt for additional connected loads can now pay only Rs 600 per kilowatt through this voluntary regularisation scheme.

The consumer on his own can voluntarily regularise his additional load present on the consumer premises by computing the amount of load required to him in kW (Kilo Watts).

The additional connected loads which are over and above the connected load agreed upon (as printed in the bill) by the LT-I Domestic Consumer at the time of release of service and not regularised by the consumers causes unexpected increase in load on the system, overload of distribution transformers, voltage fluctuations, low voltage, blow of fuses, burnt of distribution transformers and leads to interruptions in the power supply.

To overcome problems like electricity overload issues and bearing additional charges for consuming more than the registered load every month, the TSSPDCL is providing an opportunity for voluntary regularizing the additional loads by 50% development charges. In addition, consumers shall pay security deposit for such additional load as per the prevailing rates at the respective Customer Service Centers or through Company's online web portal (www.tssouthernpower.com).

This scheme is a voluntary disclosure scheme. The operative period of this scheme will be six months from the date of its notification in the newspapers. No concession will be extended after the expiry of the scheme.



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