TRS readying progress reports of corporators

Update: 2020-11-13 01:36 IST

TRS readying progress reports of corporators

Hyderabad: The TRS, which does not want to concede any space to the opposition in the GHMC polls particularly in view of the Dubbaka by-election result, has started a serious exercise to analyse the performance of each corporator and their winning chances.

TRS working president KT Rama Rao held a brainstorming session with party MLAs and leaders from the GHMC area to ascertain the strength and weakness of each candidate ward-wise. The party will be contesting the GHMC elections with the same seriousness as it would do for the state Assembly as it wants to retain its hold on 99 out of 150 wards and gain more if possible. Nearly 70 lakh voters will exercise their franchise.


The city MLAs of 24 assembly constituencies under the GHMC limits have been directed to attend the meetings to be held at KTR camps during the next three days. 

The MLAs have been asked to submit the progress reports on the developmental programmes taken up in the divisions in their respective assembly segments, the promises that were made during last elections and how many have been fulfilled, how many are in progress and failure for not delivering the assurances given during the last elections.

It is learnt that KTR is planning to divide the poll-bound GHMC area into four segments and entrust the responsibility of the party activities and campaign to a group of senior TRS leaders before going for the intensive poll campaign.

The welfare and development activities and the phenomenal growth registered in IT and the industrial sectors on the periphery of greater Hyderabad will be the top agenda during the campaign.

Party sources said that KTR will hold meetings with citizen forums and colony associations to address the pending civic issues.



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