Vijayawada: Bankers seek holiday on Vinayaka Chavithi

Update: 2021-08-26 00:12 IST

Bankers seek holiday on Vinayaka Chavithi

Vijayawada: The bank employees under the banner of United Forum of Bank Unions in a memorandum to the Andhra Pradesh Chief Secretary appealed to him to declare the Vinayaka Chavithi on September 10 as holiday under Negotiable Instruments Act. The bank employees stated that Vinayaka Chavithi festival is a very important festival in Andhra Pradesh and all the citizens beyond the barriers of religions will celebrate this important festival as they believe that Lord Ganesha is the remover of obstacles as well as the God of Wisdom.


This big festival is the beginning of festive season and all the bank employees will worship Lord Ganesha continuously for 9 days starting from September 10.

However, the State government has inadvertently not declared the holiday for Vinayaka Chavithi on September 10 under N.I. Act but holiday has been given for all the employees in the State of Andhra Pradesh including for the Central government employees.

"The bank employees working in the State of Andhra Pradesh have requested us to communicate their sentiments to you with a request to declare the holiday under Negotiable Instrument Act also," members of the UFBU told the Chief Secretary.

The United Forum for Bank Union requested the Chief Secretary to consider the request by declaring holiday for Vinayaka Chavithi on September 10 under N.I. Act for the year 2021.



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