Vijayawada: SCR prepares action plan to tackle heavy rains
Watchmen monitoring a railway track for water levels
Vijayawada(NTR District): South Central Railway, in view of heavy rains, has strengthened action plans to tackle heavy rains during the present monsoon. About 87 vulnerable sections and 915 bridges are identified across the zone where precautionary measures are enhanced.
The zone has undertaken regular monitoring of track during the monsoon period to ensure working of pumps and water drains to prevent flooding and stopping of trains. The tracks are monitored on daily basis across all the divisions and the status is reported.
Vulnerable locations were identified on tracks and bridges across the zone. The patrolling is enhanced and kept under continual surveillance during the entire monsoon season. During periods of abnormal rainfall in any section, patrolling will be carried out till clear weather is restored. In addition, GPS trackers are also being used to monitor the patrolling.
Watchmen are posted at identified critical locations such as bridges and approach roads of newly constructed bridges. The watchmen will continuously monitor the water levels and ensure safety of train operations.
Around 1917 Railway affecting tanks were identified across the zone, which are jointly inspected by Railway and State Government. The State level meetings are also conducted with Irrigation officials to review the status of the tanks and repairs.
The Railway officials are maintaining liaison with Irrigation authorities to keep a close watch on the bridges connected to dams and reservoirs so that prompt action can be taken by Railways during the release of excess water.
The Railway officials keep constant watch on district-wise weather forecast, rainstorm and cyclone updates released by the meteorological department.
Twenty-two automated water level monitoring devices are installed on identified major bridges which provide continuous data of water levels at these locations.
Monsoon emergency reserve stock materials such as sand, boulders, empty cement bags, tarpaulin sheets, girders and steel cribs to restore track and bridges are stacked on land as well as on goods wagons at nominated places in all the six Divisions to meet any eventuality due to flooding / breaches.
General Manager (In-Charge) Arun Kumar Jain instructed the officials and staff to be on high alert during this period to prevent any untoward incidents. He also directed them to strictly implement safety precautions. The movement of passenger trains should be constantly monitored and the passengers should be promptly informed about the changes in train services, he added.