Visakhapatnam: APERC's public hearing commences in virtual mode
APERC Chairman CV Nagarjuna Reddy at the APERC’s public hearing in Visakhapatnam on Monday
Visakhapatnam: Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (APERC) chairman CV Nagarjuna Reddy said the commission would take decisions to ensure balance between the interests of consumers and the financial wellbeing of power companies.
Inaugurating the Andhra Pradesh state electricity consumers' public hearing on annual revenue requirements and retail prices for the financial year 2022-23 in a virtual mode at the APEPDCL corporate office here on Monday, he explained the decisions taken in the financial year 2021-22 were as per the long-time priorities of the consumers.
In his inaugural speech, the APERC chairman said that in view of the Covid-19 pandemic the public hearing for all the three DISCOMS (APEPDCL, APCPDCL and APSPDCL) was held in digital format.
APERC chairman CVNagarjuna Reddy and member PRajagopal Reddy Thakur Ram Singh to receive views/objections/suggestions about DISCOMs from consumers through video conference from all state electricity circle offices division offices on Tuesday and Thursday. About 65 consumers had registered on the occasion to express their objections, suggestions and views.
Further, the APERC chairman said Rs1,000 crore was collected on the initiative of APERC at the request of power distribution companies to collect arrears from various government departments. He said the Standards of Performance (SoP) standards have been set for power distribution companies to enhance transparency in customer service. The commission said it had taken steps to ensure immediate compensation to the victims of the electrical accident. He said efforts would be made to bring awareness among consumers in utilising power-saving devices.
CMDs of power distribution companies K Santosha Rao (APEPDCL), H Haranadharao (APSPDCL), J Padmajanardhana Reddy (APCPDCL) read out their company proposals on the occasion. APERC secretary C Ramakrishna, DISCOMs directors and other officers also participated. The consumers will streamline the programmethrough on Tuesday and Thursday from 10.30 am to 1 pm and again from 2 pm to 4.30 pm.