Fake currency busted in Prakasam district

Update: 2020-02-21 13:14 IST

Ongole: The fake currency circulation has created a flutter in Ongole of Prakasam district. The incident came into light when a person cheated a dairy organizer over the exchange of small denomination notes for nearly Rs 31,000.

According to the sources, Raja Venkata Subba Reddy is operating Dodla dairy near local vegetable market here in the town. On Thursday night, a man approached him and said he has currency notes for which he need change and told that he is having Rs 34,000 of five hundred notes and want to exchange for the change.


Believing him, Venkata Subba Reddy has given Rs 100 notes. In return, the man has given 68 notes of Rs 500 denomination and took the hundred rupees notes from him. As the dairy owner said to count the currency once, for which the man said he would count them on the machine.

After he left, Reddy checked the notes and found the same number on them. After the close examination, the currency was seen as a colour xerox of Rs 500 note. Immediately, he rushed to the One Town Police station and lodged a complaint and surrendered the fake currency. The accused has cheated the dairy owner for Rs 31,000. Upon receiving the complaint, the police have registered a case, examining the CCTV footage and investigating further.



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