China silent over disappearances of Covid-19 whistleblowers?

Update: 2020-04-20 23:57 IST
Dr Li Wenliang

Beijing: Human rights advocates fear that the Chinese authorities have been secretly terrorising lawyers and activists speaking up about the coronavirus outbreak and are being branded as enemies of the state in the process. Based on an investigation in the matter, The Daily Mail on Sunday uncovered a "cynical and orchestrated" campaign by the Chinese regime to stop the country's 1.4 billion citizens from even discussing the appalling COVID-19 outbreak among themselves.


More than 5,100 people were arrested for sharing information in the first weeks of the outbreak, dissidents are being labelled as sick so the government can place them in medical quarantine, also health apps used by some millions of people to show they are clear of coronavirus are being used to monitor people's movements and further tighten control, the Mail stated citing the investigation.

The unprecedented crackdown began with reprimands issued to Dr Li Wenliang, 34, and seven other doctors for sending messages to fellow medics on December 30, warning them about the outbreak of a SARS-like illness in Wuhan Central Hospital and advising them to wear protective clothing.

Dr Li was forced to sign a police document saying he had 'seriously disrupted social order' and breached the law before he returned to work at Wuhan Central Hospital where he died of COVID-19 on February 7.

In the wake of it, the mainland's Communist leaders were shaken by a nationwide outcry which saw the hashtag #wewantfreedomofspeech shared two million times in the space of hours. But they had already embarked on a ruthless tightening of a vice-like grip on social media with the first of a string of high-profile disappearances.

A day before Dr Li's death, lawyer Chen Qiushi - whose videos of chaotic scenes in Wuhan hospitals with coronavirus victims lying in corridors were shared with an audience of more than 400,000 YouTube and 250,000 Twitter followers - went missing. His family was told the following day that he was being held in medical quarantine at an undisclosed location.

However, as soon as Chen realised that police were closing in on him just before his disappearance, he told his followers ominously: "As long as I am alive, I will speak about what I have seen and what I have heard. I am not afraid of dying. Why should I be afraid of you, Communist Party?" And he vanished days later. 



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