Genetic sequencing tests on pet dog of coronavirus patient in Hong Kong

Update: 2020-03-06 14:24 IST
For representation purposes

Hong Kong: Genetic sequencing tests are being carried out on the pet dog of a confirmed coronavirus patient in Hong Kong, which could reveal if the virus has mutated or not, an official has said.

Thomas Sit, the Assistant Director for Inspection & Quarantine of Hong Kong government's Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department, said that coronavirus is what is known as an RNA virus which eventually mutates.


"That is why the University of Hong Kong School of Public Health needs to do a genetic analysis to compare this dog's genetic sequencing to the virus isolated from the patient so that they can compare. So if it is totally identical, then there is no mutation. The testing is still ongoing," state-run Xinhua news agency quoted Sit as saying during a press briefing on Thursday.

He reiterated that international experts agreed that the dog has a low level of infection, despite its blood tests not being ready yet.

"From the first sample to our last sample tested, it has already been six days. The dog's nasal or oral mechanism, their secretion they should have - if contaminated - they should have a way to clean the virus, it would not stay for that long if it was just contamination," he said.

"I think it will take at least five or seven days for the blood results because it is not an easy test, it is not a quick test. We need to grow a virus and then neutralise the serum, so it takes some time," he added.

Sit added that it was too early to say whether the animal-to-animal transmission was a possibility.

"At this stage, we do not have enough data to have a 100-per cent answer as to whether it is infectious to other dogs or not. But if the dog's owner is positive, it is better to take precautionary measures to prevent onward transmission," he said.

Sit also advised dog owners to wash their hands, wear gloves and try to stop their dogs from licking their surroundings to prevent the virus from spreading further.



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