If China a developing country, why not US?

Update: 2020-04-12 00:24 IST

Washington: If China is considered a developing country, make the United States too a developing one, US President Donald Trump said , alleging that Beijing has taken advantage of his country.

"China has been unbelievably taken advantage of us and other countries. You know, for instance, they are considered a developing nation. I said well then make us a developing nation too," Trump told reporters at his daily White House news conference on coronavirus.

The president was responding to a question on China. "They get big advantages because they are a developing nation. India, a developing nation. The United States is the big developed nation. Well, we have plenty of development to do," he said.

Reiterating that United States was taken advantage of by the World Trade Organization, Trump said the Chinese economy started booming after it joined WTO with the help of the US.

"If you look at the history of China, it was only since they went into the WTO that they became a rocket ship with their economy. They were flatlined for years and years," he said. "Frankly, for many, many decades.

And it was only when they came into the WTO that they became a rocket ship because they took advantage of all -- I'm not even blaming them. I'm saying how stupid were the people that stood here and allowed it to happen," he said.

The Trump Administration will now allow that to happen, he said. "If they don't treat us fairly, will leave. But now we're starting to win cases," he said.

Alleging that China has taken advantage of the United States for 30 years, he said, China has taken advantage of the US through WTO and using rules that are unfair to the United States.


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