Coronavirus Crisis: Council Of Ministers To Meet Via Video-Conferencing At 12 Noon

Update: 2020-04-06 10:19 IST
Union Council of Ministers

The Union Council of Ministers is scheduled to meet via video conferencing at 12 noon on Monday. The meeting is expected to discuss the situation emerging out of the coronavirus crisis in the country.

This is the first time ever that the Council of Ministers would meet through a video interaction. The meeting would be a review of updates from various ministries with regard to health, food supply, movement of essential goods and other important matters.


The Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare Dr. Harshvardhan, is expected to brief the Council of Ministers on various aspects of the war against coronavirus in the country. In addition to giving an update on the steps taken so far, the Union Health Minister is expected to brief his cabinet colleagues on the measures being put in place in the immediate future in tackling the coronavirus crisis.

The total number of Coronavirus positive cases in the country has crossed the 4000 mark. The overall figure, according to an ANI report quoting the Union Ministry of Family Welfare, is 4067. Of these 3666 are seen as active cases, while 292 have been cured, discharged or migrated. 109 deaths have been reported across the country.

Maharashtra is at the top of the list of states reeling from Coronavirus. The state has reported 748 cases, even as new ones are being recorded.

Mumbai alone accounts for 418 cases in the state emerging as the epicentre of the Coronavirus pandemic in Maharashtra. Delhi has also recorded over 500 coronavirus cases and 7 deaths.  



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