Jallianwala Bagh massacre : Ashamed, says UK's archbishop

Update: 2019-09-11 00:23 IST
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby pays tributes at the Jallianwala Bagh memorial in Amritsar on Tuesday

Chandigarh: Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby on Tuesday concluded his India tour by a visit to Jallianwala Bagh memorial in Amritsar and said he was ashamed and sorry for the massacre that took place hundred years ago.

He paid his respects at the memorial and said, "I cannot speak for the British government. I am not an official of the British government but can speak on the name of Christ. It is a place for sin and redemption.


Because you have remembered what they have done and their name will live, their memory will live." "I am so ashamed and sorry for the impact of this crime committed here.

I can't speak for the government. That is for the government to do. I am a religious leader, not a politician.

As a religious leader, I mourn the tragedy I see here," said Welby.



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