Not a healthy year for Sonia Gandhi

Update: 2022-04-02 01:50 IST

Sonia Gandhi

Sonia Gandhi- date of birth- December 9th, 1946 at 9.30 pm, Turin, Italy. Birth star Arudra 1st Padam, zodiac sign- Gemini. Ascendant Cancer.

From 22.08.2019 to 22.08.2039, the native will run Venus major period by Venus sub-period. During this period, she got many disappointments in general elections. Moreover, she may have health problems because Venus is not the Yogakaraka planet for Scorpio ascendants.


From 22.12.2022 to 22.12.2023, the native will run Venus major period by venus sub-period. During this period, she will get critical health problems.

From moon sign, she has been running Ashtama Ahani for the last two and half years. Bad results during this period.

From July 12th, 2022, to December 22, 2022, Saturn is in retrograde position in Cancer sign. During this period, she may get critical health problems. Hence she should perform remedial measures like performing Japa of Saturn.



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