PM Modi's new mantra

Update: 2020-06-21 20:34 IST
Prime Minister Narendra Modi

China has much more enemies than friends. Excepting a handful, everybody in this country loves to hate China. Outside the country, too, it does not have many supporters. Corona and now clashes on the border have turned many of its friends foes. That country has broken the convention and protocol. It cannot and should not be forgiven for what it has done on the eastern Ladakh border.Normally, the border disputes are resolved through negotiations. It is not that it does not hold negotiations. It does. But then it goes back and backstabs. The same thing had happened in Ladakh. We cannot trust that country any more and should be on our toes most of the time.


One reason why it has not changed may be soft attitude by other countries.The US expresses anger some time and then goes soft or atleast remains not so strong.So,there is no change in its action and behaviour.It has remained as belligerent.The current tussle with India may give a lesson or two to that country.The Modi government which is different is unlikely to give a free hand and let it behave the way it used to in the past.There will be strong reaction to every action.Its strong arm tactic will be replied equally strongly.The bullets will be replied with bullets-- and an attack on wallet.The country's economy will suffer and suffer to a great extent if we stop imports or heavily cut them down with our own production of those goods.

If it has not it should realise now that it is a different India it is facing at present.The current actions and utterances should open its eyes.India is on a high alert all along four and a half thousand kilometers- long border with that country and has kept in readiness the fighter planes and other aircrafts.If it fights not only will it be pushed back but may lose a good part of the land it has captured.

There are many in this country who believe that it is a right time to avenge the defeat of 1962.The stories of humiliating defeat in that war are largely in circulation yet.Memories are fresh in minds of many people who were young at that time.Others have heard them from their elders.They have nothing but hate for that country.It had backstabbed and betrayed trust we had reposed in that country in the early '60s.The problem is we will have to fight alone. We have seen the reaction of other countries after clashes in Galwan valley.Most of them remained silent.These include Japan , Australia ,Vietnam and Taiwan. US President Donald Trump who has many a time condemned China for the spread of Coronovirus but has been tight-lipped on these scuffles.Trump wrote in one of his tweets, "We have informed both India and China that the US is ready,willing and able to mediate on the ongoing border dispute between the two countries ." However,when the soldiers of two the countries clashed in the valley,there was no tweet.

Lessons for India

All this should be a lesson for India. At present, the whole world is going through a leadership crisis and a bad patch. There is no World- class leader--such a leader who can influence the whole World. After Barack Obama there is a vacuum. Therefore, Prime Minister Modi will have to move cautiously,go ahead carefully. While we should hold the conversation,we should not be totally defensive.Also keep in mind that during the 1962 war, there was a towering personality like American President John F. Kennedy. He was highly respected.Though it was after Pandit Nehru's request but he had asked China in clear and unambiguous terms that if it did not go for ceasefire, America would jump into the war. After that China on November 20, 1962 ended war and also announced withdrawal from the disputed territory. However, it should also be remembered that the then US Ambassador to India John Galbraith was in touch with our government and giving necessary advices. Does the same situation exist now ? No. Therefore, the government will have to make careful moves.

The opposition,particularly the Congress, is asking some foolish questions.It has one -point ageda.It wants Modi removed. In the beginning it was said that the Prime Minister Modi did not mention China by name in his statement over martyrdom of soldiers. The hint was that he had feared China.But the fact is that the Prime Minister repeatedly condemned China at an all-party meeting.He created no impression that the country was going to bow down to China.His tone was aggressive and message loud and clear that his government was not going to surrender an inch to that country.He had clearly said that the country believed in peace but would make no compromise with sovereignty and integrity of the country.Is it a surrender?Do ask questions to the Modi government. Every Indian has the right to ask questions.But do not become a spokesperson either of China or an enemy of the country.

The questions

The questions should be relevant and based on facts. Some left wingers had claimed that China had ten Indian soldiers in its possession. When the Chinese Foreign Ministry was asked about it,the spokesman said that China did not take any Indian soldier a hostage.After this report was flashed, a newspaper which claims to be popular among readers added on its website "presently" to it. Why did it do so when China had denied the report.Of course, the government should take action against such newspapers.It is an anti-national action.

Another question is also being asked. Why were unarmed soldiers sent to the border? Either the questioner was unaware of the agreement signed between India and China or deliberately tried to mislead the nation.The agreement signed in 1993 had prohibited use of arms within two km of the border. So, though they carried arms they did not use them.The agreement was repeated in 1996 and 2005. And which party was ruling the country in 1993,1996 and 2005?.It was not the BJP.

The truth is that the governments in all these years including the Third Front government feared the dragon.They should not have raised such questioned at this time also because the government is fighting against Corona at present.All this does not matter to them.They are mocking at the PM who had once said to emphasise on his boldness that he has 65-inch chest.Where was this chest when 20 soldier were killed?,they have mockingly asked.

They also need to be told that the bunkers which were built by the Army on the border were demolished during the Congress rule( Manmohan Singh rule)under pressure from China. Strangely,those who were with China during the 1962 war are still with that country.These Jayachands are well known.There is no need for me to name them.They do not matter because all other people of the country are behind the government.This is more important for our defence forces.The entire country is with them.These drunken so-called left liberals and secularists do not have public support.They are being ignored also because they are asking questions to Modi but not to China which has acted in a barbarous manner.The country has come to know them. They are not condemning China. I do not know if they have paid any tribute to the martyrs or condemned China.They have forgotten that the country is mired in Corona controversy not because of Modi.

However, China knows that there is difference between Nehru's India and Modi's India.We are peace-loving.We are neither aggressive nor expansionists.But,if we are nudged we will not leave them in peace.Na Chhuyegen,Na Chhodegen,is our new mantra.Our Prime Minister has made it plain to China and to all others.Be under no illusion.

( The writer is a Senior Editor,Columnist and former MP)



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