Watch The Trending Video Of Moneky Cutely Playing With Kid

Update: 2023-01-12 18:00 IST

A cute little child and a few newborn monkeys may be seen in a trending video playing together while sitting together.

When we witness young children playing with animals in the videos we occasionally stumble across online, it can be tough to put our phones down. A cute little child and a few newborn monkeys may be seen in a trending video playing together while sitting together. Online users have seen the video of a group of monkeys encircling a little child.

The now-famous video was uploaded to Instagram in November of last year. This video shows a little toddler sitting on the temple floor while some monkeys encircle him. Here is the video, have a look at it:


The fact that the tiny youngster was placed between them without any worry or concern astonished a lot of other people. In addition, the monkeys behave sweetly and unusually calmly around the little child. One of the monkeys is even shown in the last few seconds of the movie touching the baby's feet as if he were some sort of deity, which seems to be an entirely coincidental occurrence.



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