Girl bonding - make time for your girlfriends

Girl bonding - make time for your girlfriends

Girl bonding - make time for your girlfriends, Remember the beloved school and college friendships that we so used to cherish? We women constantly wonder as to where the magic of that bonding had vanished.

Remember the beloved school and college friendships that we so used to cherish? We women constantly wonder as to where the magic of that bonding had vanished.
Spending time with ‘besties’ aka girlfriends can get tough with growing responsibilities at work and home overtime. Running behind careers or children at home as a full time mother; possibly leaves limited time to revel with your loved friend from school or college.
It is very important to make time in the presence of an absolutely ‘no time’ schedule. Here are some ways to plan that important date with your girlfriend despite the odds.
1. Lunch – Ladies at luncheon make great conversations. Check your schedule for the week and jot the timelines in the calendar that allow a casual lunch with your favourite girl.
2.Movie date – This is a very nice way of spending time, although it doesn’t leave much space to converse. Movie dates with your girlfriends can lighten up your otherwise dull week. Pick a Friday night, to suit the comfort of making other adjustments.
3.Window shopping –As bizarre as that sounds, a quick getaway to do some window shopping paves in a chance to sip that cappuccino and talk. And being women, we tend to even do some real shopping on the way!
4.Phone calls – Reserve a part of the day or a week for those elaborate phone calls; this proves be a great help especially if your girlfriend is far away. Whatsapp and Facebook are also some measures, in the meantime.
5.Long Walks – Now, whoever said that walks are only for lovers, they are quite wrong. Girlfriends can take those long walks when time allows. This leads to opening up and sharing thoughts.
6.Kitty Parties – Gone are the days when kitty parties were the privilege of rich women. The city is choking now with kitty party groups. Go ahead and join along with your girlfriend to form a routine. What more, this also helps make new friends.
7. Recreational classes – Enrol into a Zumba/Yoga/Aerobic class with your girlfriend. This makes life easy with no prior planning required to make time. Both of you will get to learn something and be with each other at the same time.
8. Cards and Wine – If the boys are scheduling those poker games, so can the girls. Pick a date at the comfort of your home and plan a cards and wine get together. See the results.
So, if there are no other excuses than busy timeline, drop the act and get together with your girlfriends. The move is so worth it!
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