7,000 take part in Rudra pooja

Update: 2018-02-27 11:00 IST

Visakhapatnam: Seven thousand devotees participated in the Rudra pooja conducted between 6 am to 9 am by Art of Living here at Andhra University convocation centre on Monday.

Speaking at the pooja, Art of Living Founder Pandit Ravi Shankar said that spirituality and patriotism are two faces of coin. Every individual should have clarity in their thinking and dedication towards their work, he said.

He also added that meditation will give peacefulness and develops calmness nature in every individual, which automatically regenerates energy in human being. “The youth in this present generation were stepping into wrong tracks in finding their comforts. Every parent should guide their child in practicing spiritual activities and meditation regularly in their daily life,” he added.

Addressing the gathering, a guru from Bengaluru Ashramam Rushi Devavratha said the situations in Andhra Pradesh had turned so violent and the political leaders of various parties were trying to arise disputes among the public by using current issues.

He urged the public to be patient and maintain calmness by considering Andhra Pradesh history and culture, this kind of culture will be habituated by practicing meditation regularly. He also stated that the situation will be normal in the coming days. Every human being should lead their independent life by acquiring good knowledge and following ethics and values in the society.

Later, Art of Living Founder Pandit Ravi Shankar moved to participate in the CII Partnership Summit on the final day to interact as an icon with foreign delegates.


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