Corporators express displeasure over poor sanitation

Update: 2018-04-12 05:21 IST

Vijayawada: Corporators cutting across party lines alleged that the corporation sanitary staff had failed to maintain hygiene in the city. They demanded that they should respond to the calls made by the people's representatives. 

The VMC Council meeting was held on Wednesday with Mayor Koneru Sridhar in the chair. The 37th division CPM corporator, Gade Adilakshmi, raised the question about poor sanitary condition in the  division. She said that the sanitation staff had failed to maintain hygiene in the division, hence, the people are facing problems due to mosquito menace. 


Later, other corporators B Vijay Kumar, Nelibandla Balaswamy, K Damodar, Shaik Bibi Jan, Edipati Ramaiah and others joined the debate and demanded that the VMC officials respond to the phone calls made by the corporators. They said they don’t know the names of the assistant medical officers working in the city. 

Responding to the allegations, Mayor Sridhar asked the assistant medical officers to announce their mobile numbers and divisions they are representing.
The officials tried to explain that they had been working sincerely and doing their duties perfectly but neither the Mayor nor the corporators were convinced. Both the Mayor and corporators expressed displeasure over the poor sanitation maintained in many divisions in the city. 



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