No loans for ryots as land records not uploaded

Update: 2018-05-11 06:32 IST

Kurnool: Several farmers in the district were unable get loans from banks and subsidy benefits from the government despite having pattadar passbooks as their farm land details were not made available online. For making online entries, the farmers are visiting the offices of Tahsildars concerned but without success. 

The State government with a view to curb irregularities in the Revenue department had introduced the online system with great fanfare seven years ago. However, the online system proved to be effective during the initial stages, but the actual problems started later.


Despite having lands and possessing pattadar passbooks, some farmers in Midthur mandal are unable to get loans and they are not eligible to avail the government benefits like crop loans, seeds on subsidy, fertilisers and even to sell their produce at the agriculture market yard. 

According to a source, around 600 acres of land situated in survey numbers 404 and 405 in Midthur mandal are yet to be uploaded. Several farmers lamented that they were unable to get bank loans despite of having pattadar passbooks. 

The bank officials are not sanctioning the loans as their passbooks details were not uploaded on the official website yet. A farmer of Midthur said that he fixed for the marriage of his daughter. “To perform marriage, I approach the bank to get loan by mortgaging my land. After scrutinising the details of my passbook, the authorities refused to sanction loan as the details were not available online,” he bemoaned.  

Another farmer Mallikarjuna said that he was having 10 acres of land in survey numbers 404 and 405. As his land records were not available online, neither the bank nor the private money lenders are showing interest to sanction loans.

He urged the government officials to intervene into the issue. When The Hans India sought the clarification of Midthur Tahsildar Bhulakshmi on Thursday, regarding the delay in uploading land records on official website, she admitted that there were lapses. “We have taken up surveying near survey numbers 404 and 405. 

Around 60 per cent of surveying has already been completed. Due to staff crunch, we were unable to carry out the surveying works speedily,” she added. The Tahsildar also said that she has noticed several irregularities that were made by the earlier staff. “We are correcting the irregularities and after the completion of surveying, the pattadar passbooks details would be uploaded online,” the official said.

By V Narendra Kumar



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