204 get jobs in job mela

Update: 2018-05-27 05:21 IST

Yerragondapalem: In all, 204 candidates were offered jobs in various companies in the mega job mela at Yerragondapalem in Prakasam district on Saturday, said Shaik Meeravali, Manager of Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation.

He announced that 279 candidates attended for the job mela at Sri Gowthami Junior and Degree College in Yerragondapalem. 

He said that Caxton Private Limited, Premier Health Care, Kallam Group of Companies, Crystal Management Services, Peram Group, InnovSource and other companies conducted the recruitments.

In them, the Crystal Management Service selected 26, Kallam Group-32, Caxton-28, BMS- 15, Premier Health Care -31, Innov Serve-16, Peram Group -15 and KFC -15 while the other companies recruited the remaining candidates, said  Meeravali, Manager of Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation. 


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