Transco fleeces Consumers for High Voltage

Update: 2018-06-13 05:25 IST

Eluru: The last date for regularizing of the electricity load limit has been extended till July 31.

 Though the actual last date lapsed by May-end, the Transco has failed to motivate consumers on the regularisation before the due date. 

According to new norm, the consumers who have been availing excessive load, have to pay regularisation fee of Rs. 1,400 per kilowatt. 


However, the consumers can pay just Rs. 800 excluding subsidy. Out of total 12 lakh domestic electricity consumers, only 5,000 of them paid deposits to suit their load in the district.

A group of consumers have been reluctant to pay the regularisation fee as they had already paid deposits at the time of getting electricity connection. 

It would be a burden on them as they have been paying monthly electricity bills regularly. Initially, they paid deposits for one KV at the time of getting connection.

As the use of domestic electric appliances has increased, the load also increases to 3 KV in a majority of cases. For example, during summer, the electric consumption increased steadily as many consumers purchase air conditioners. 

The increase in load was resulted in low voltage problem. The load problem necessitated the Transco to go for installation of additional transformers.

The officials contend that they would calculate excessive load and charge the consumers according to the increased load. 

The collected amount would be used for installing more transformers to meet the load.  This measure would solve the biggest problem of low-voltage in many places, they opined.

The consumers, however, have been finding fault with government policies for the existing crisis. 

They have been complaining that the government was issuing concessions to industrial sector and taxing the domestic consumers only.



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