Call to treat refugees with respect

Update: 2018-06-21 04:57 IST

Bapatla: Bapatla Agricultural College Post-Harvest Technology Centre head Dr B John Wesley has said that refugees are vulnerable and need to be respected.

“They are often misunderstood and maligned. They have little or nothing of their possessions and little food,” he said.

World Refugees Day was celebrated here on Wednesday under the aegis of Forum for Better Bapatla.
Speaking on this occasion, he said that refugees often have to leave their homes with nothing or with what they can carry. 


They suffer cold, hunger, trauma, despair, disease, violence and loss. He said these refugees were being neglected or shunned throughout the world. 

He felt that we had to treat refugees with respect and support them in all possible ways. “We have to protect the rights of refugees,” he said, adding that it was estimated that about 42,500 people were crossing the borders as refugees everyday throughout the world.

Later, he released Global Refugees Report on the occasion. 

Forum secretary PC Sai Babu, senior scientist Dr S Gopalaswamy, scientist D Sandeep Raja and others participated.



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