No end to accidents involving aqua farm workers

Update: 2018-07-21 05:30 IST

Akiveedu: Fishermen boarding goods transport vehicles and autos to reach working places are posing a threat to their own lives. 

About 15 fishermen work at each aqua pond and they attend duties in the early hours. 

As they find difficulty in catching buses during early hours, they have been travelling by light vehicles, and transport vehicles. 


Drivers accommodate more than permitted number of passengers. The autos and goods vehicles sometimes meet with accidents. 

Everyday these vehicles involved in accidents is a common sight in Akiveedu and its surrounding areas.

The fishermen usually are not covered under any insurance schemes and other benefits offered by aqua farms and the government. They travel perilously only to reach their work place on time.

Neither transport nor traffic police notice these things as the workers leave to the working place in early hours. 

In case of accidents, which involve deaths and injuries to the workers, the victims suffer and the aqua farms escape from responsibility of providing medical treatment to the injured and compensation to the deceased. 

The officials need to wake up from slumber to save lives of poor workers.



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