Balakrishna's Movie Title For Young Hero
Nari Nari Naduma Murari is a 1990 Telugu comedy film, produced by K. Murari on Yuva Chitra Arts banner and directed by A. Kodandarami Reddy. Starring Nandamuri Balakrishna, Shobana, Nirosha in the lead roles, the film recorded as Super Hit at the box-office. Now, a young hero is going to use this title for his upcoming movie. The young hero is none other than Naga Shaurya.
The latest buzz in the industry reveals that Naga Shaurya is planning to use the title for his next film in the direction of a newcomer Raja Kolusu. Naga Shaurya will be seen romancing two heroines in the film. Bhavya Creations that produced Balayya's Paisa Vasool is going to pool the resources for the movie.
V Anand Prasad is the producer of the film. The film was launched recently.