Rahul needs to tread with care

Update: 2018-09-01 05:30 IST

 The bonhomie between the Chinese and Rahul Gandhi is bizarre. Embracing an enemy in blind faith just to oppose the Indian government's present dispensers is an oddity beyond every sense. During Doklam conflict the nation saw Rahul Gandhi happily dining with the Chinese Ambassador and his staff and later posing for photo-ops.Indians sighed then "will this child ever grow?". Far from it, he is going from bad to worse as days progress. 


The new high in Rahul-China equation is appalling. Rahul Gandhi has every right to go to Mansarovar on a pilgrimage to establish his Hindu identity and credentials which had taken a very serious dent due to the nature of his party politics. Why was he seen off by the Chinese Ambassador himself at the airport begs an explanation.

Rahul is not any other individual and is a law maker and president of the largest party of India which is in opposition now. He is also privy to a lot of information kept under wraps by the Government due to the sensitivity of its nature being a parliamentarian. The nation has a right to know what he is talking to them. In fact, Rahul said, sometime back, that he needs to be told what's happening around by the Government. Well, it is the other way round. 

The country needs to know what is cooking the other side of the frontier. Government to Government interaction is something that cannot be questioned. Just the other day another fool called Navjot Sidhu crossed over to Pakistan to hug their Army Chief and claimed there was nothing wrong with it because Prime Minister Narendra Modi too had gone across. Similarly, Rahul Gandhi too has no business to fall into the trap of the Chinese in a silly manner and out of vengeance. 

He should read the history of North East, at least since 1946 when the Naga National Council, NNC, was formed in Kohima and through 1949 when the then Maharaja of Manipur signed an agreement merging his state with India. He should also read the history of China from at least Mao Zedong's victory in Chinese civil war and the proclamation of People's Republic of China. He should do well to read the turbulent history of rebels in the region and the role of Burma and China in all these. All this will tell him that the troubled frontier region was always eyed by the Chinese. Of course, their greater concern was the Indian Ocean. Our neighbour is still interested in destabilising us. 

The Ocean is going to be stormier than the heights of Himalayas in future. There may be no peace in Burma as yet and India and China will continue to fight for influence over the buffer state of Burma. The rise of China in the seas is not just aimed at controlling the busiest maritime route to establish its supremacy but also to subjugate India further and make it irrelevant in the region. If Rahul too loves the idea he is welcome to do so at his party's further decline. Let not Rahul play into the Chinese hand further at this juncture.



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